When Will the Covid-19 Pandemic End?

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Much of the world seemed poised to leave Covid-19 behind just a few weeks ago. But the delta variant and new hotspots are giving nations a reality check. Where do we stand now?

U.S. President Joe Biden declared the U.S. close to independence from the virus. Britons hit the dance floor to celebrate “Freedom Day.” Singapore’s legendarily strict government signaled it would begin to loosen its zero-cases approach and make life and travel more manageable.

But if those places were ready to be done with Covid, Covid wasn’t done with them.

The sputtering U.S. vaccine campaign has run headlong into the highly-contagious delta variant. The U.K.’s reopening has coincided with a new surge in cases and fears of “long Covid” in younger people. In Africa, deaths have spiked as vaccine supplies remain meager. And in Japan, rising infections have forced the already-delayed Summer Olympics to be played in empty stadiums and arenas.

Around the globe, people and governments are finding out that Covid won’t be thrashed into extinction, but is more likely to enter a long, endemic tail. With that will come delayed recoveries in the places that have had the least access to vaccines. And vaccine- and resource-rich countries will still face their own health and economic aftershocks, as the U.S. and U.K. are discovering.

“The virus is going to do what it wants to do,” said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, “and not what we want to do.”

Vaccines have made a difference — in the places that have deployed them widely. In recent weeks, U.K. cases had risen dramatically, but there hasn’t been an equivalent surge in deaths, and the number of new infections has dropped over the last few days. The shots are literal life savers.

At its current pace of vaccination, 75% of the EU population will be inoculated within two months, a level that may be sufficient to push back the virus. China and the U.K. are running at a similar pace, according to the Bloomberg Vaccine Tracker.

But after racing ahead, the now-stalled U.S. vaccine campaign will take eight or nine months to reach 75% coverage because of entrenched pockets of vaccine resistance in parts of the country. Other places are in more dire straits: Indonesia, with a raging outbreak, is a year and a half away. India will need another year, at its current rate. In Africa, countries like Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa are at least a year away — or far longer, according to Bloomberg’s analysis.

Many lower-income countries are reliant on Covax, the program set up last year to equitably distribute vaccines to every corner of the planet. But the initiative has delivered just 140 million doses of the 1.8 billion it aims to ship by early 2022, hurt by delays in supplies from India.

“The world is divided between countries which do have vaccines and countries which don’t have vaccines,” said Klaus Stöhr, a former World Health Organization official who played a key role in the response to SARS in 2003. In the have-not regions, “the virus is going to end the pandemic, not the vaccine, unfortunately.”

The pandemic struck $15 trillion off global output in the worst peacetime recession since the Great Depression, and the vaccination disparity is creating an economic wedge as richer countries recover more quickly than less-wealthy ones.

The highly contagious delta variant has added to the uncertainty.

“Wanting the pandemic to be over has really caused many people to just not face the facts,” said Osterholm, the University of Minnesota infectious disease expert. “I don’t think the final script has been written for this pandemic at all.”

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I just want this stupid virus to end, so I don't become an adult wearing a mask all the time and I just want the world to go back to normal!


It will end when companies stop making trillions on it.


It really needs to end for good! So we can no longer wear stinking masks and have the fun times back


It’s not. We have to live with it existing


It’s over for a while when you fall asleep as long as you don’t dream of it


This is getting really stupid again! 😩When does the pandemic going to be END???


I still to this day can't believe where living in scary times now.


The government has become addicted to the power they have with this pandemic. There will always be another "variant".


"Biologists estimate that 380 trillion viruses are living on and inside your body right now—10 times the number of bacteria." - Viruses Can Help Us as Well as Harm Us - Scientific American Article


Came here for the comments. The experts are out in force again.


In ends when you turn off the news and get a life.


It depends on World vaccination rates using Western vaccines. At the current rate, it won't end for a few more years.


It’s never going to end. People just don’t care anymore about staying safe. All most people want to do is go back to “normal” life. Going back to clubs, bars and concerts etc. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Will it end? The answer is yes. The vaccine probably won’t end it, but it might be likely that it will mutate further, but these mutations might cause the virus to be less severe and less contagious, causing it to spread seasonally. This is the same thing that happened with the Spanish Flu, the virus weakened in 1920.


I don’t know anyone that’s had the flu in the last year. Coincidence?


It's not going to end, too many people are to ignorant about science, trump's their science


The pandemic is a curse that has fallen on humanity. It is not a blessing from God. We need God's blessing. God does not bless sin. The world needs to turn back to God and forsake sin. God will forgive all who repent. Jesus paid the price for our forgivenes (Isaiah 53: 5) but it can only be received through repentance from sin. No repentance, no forgiveness, no forgiveness, no blessing. The more sin there is, the more curse is produced. The Bible is clear about this. For instance, Isaiah 24: 5 - 6.


Could the virus evolved into something new that's more transmisble but less severe that no one needs to go to the hospital? It happened with the Spanish FLU, after 2 years but the death toll was a lot higher.


Maybe wont end for another year bc look have we been going through this delta variant is spreading rapidly and you guys think the pandemic is gonna end but how is it gonna end when we have a dangerous covid variant? I really want to know why ik we want to go back to normal but we cant bc it's all about safety and protecting other people from infection.


at this fucking point....FUCKING NEVER!!! YAY WE ALL SUFFER IN PAIN!!! > : (
