This homelab setup is my favorite one yet.

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Hosting my own services using a homelab has been an absolute dream. However, my first homelab setup had some mistakes, and so I decided to rebuild it from scratch, and share with you how I did so.

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Keyboard: ZSA Voyager

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i did not understand anything past nixos but i still watched until the end


We are really interested in a crash course about homelab computing. How is a cluster useful? What is the purpose of a DNS? Load balancer? Namespace? All of those questions are a search away, but a "getting started" video would blow up for sure.


It's funny this video found me. I just purchased 3 of those Mini-Pc's 3 days ago, and now this is sitting in my video feed. I guess the algorithms are on the job.


Devops engineer here. Ubuntu server + Ansible is how I roll, both for homelab and at work.


Budget tip #574: Buy 8GB version of Beelink EQ12 + 32GB RAM stick. You can save some money especially when buying more nodes. Reselling the 16GB stick is not easy (and not worth it).
I have 6 EQ12s in a cluster, fantastic little machines to play with!


I'd love for a whole series of homelab/networking videos where you hold our hand wayyyy more. I have a hard time with networking lingo and concepts especially ports and routing. Would love to see more!


neat to see some examples of k8s based homelabbing/self hosting!


Great in-depth and detailed explanation for setting up a cluster from scratch, especially nice that in the end you explained why you needed two additional charts to get the final pieces of the puzzle working. Thanks!


Nice to see more NixOS around! I am using colmena to keep a config of my nodes, so I don't need to SSH into them to apply changes to my NixOS nodes.

Keep it coming!


I did learn nothing from this video - too complex 😅 but it did spark interest for trying kubernetes stuff myself


I've been able to get my EQ12 to idle at 3W. The trick is making sure all of the ASPM features are switched on in the BIOS under the PCI options and putting in a quality NVME that actually supports ASPM (the factory does not). The result is the CPU steps all the way down into C10 state at idle which puts it at 3W. If idling at C3 state (before all of the ASPM work) it was 11W like you found. Wolfgang does a good video on this using 'powertop'.

You can also update the PL1/PL2 TDP to 30W to get a bump of multi-core top speed. Between the above, repasting the CPU and changing the fan ramp-up profiles. All of this leaves you with a great, quiet machine that idles extremely low and ramps up when it needs to without ever heating the thermal limits.


The rest of the video was good enough to excuse not saying "i-skuzzy". Took me a second to realize that MetalLB was required for DHCP since its layer 2 and would not be routed in or out of the cluster without an outside relay.


I still need to learn more about how Kubernetes works, but I really appreciate your approach of setting up part of it, encountering an error, then fixing that error. Moving along in small steps, showing the error and how to fix it, I find really helps me to understand how the pieces fit together, rather than just giving a config file that works for you and leaving it up to me to figure out what I need to change for my environment.


this is so awesome and exactly the kind of video i was hoping for from you. i'm here for all the homelab content all day.


Great video, just note. You should never writte a secret in a nix things even if you don't use git. Almost everything you put in secret will end up in the nix stores so beware of leaving behind secret there


never heard of helmfile until today, thanks.


This is great! As a Framework user running NixOS, I'd love to see you do more content on the laptop and your setup specifically.

Make it very simple if possible for people to follow and understand. This was honestly very interesting to watch - even though I don't know k8.


This was excellent. Although I would love to have seen the HA feature testdriven; perhaps builidng out the k3s stack and THEN upgrading the RAM & storage iteratively. I would also love to see cert-manager integration, as well as acme/letsencrypt.


Tried a similar setup about a year ago for some light homelabe stuff I wanted highly available. This would have made the exact thing I was trying, much simpler. I got flash backs multiple times in this video. The iscusi dependancy abd fix, metal lb crds with nginx as the ingress, yea identical and this is cleaner still. Add cert manager and you'll have everything I needed at the time.
If you plan on continuing with this project and series I'd be interested to see, meanwhile I'll take a look at you're other videos. Good stuff, nice work.


I didn't understand everything in this video, but it was good to watch, and certainly something to refer back to when i want to learn more about setting up my own home lab. I subscribed to see more videos about this and what you do with this home lab in the future.
