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Fiona Bruce teams up with art expert Philip Mould to investigate mysteries behind paintings.Can the team prove that a beautiful still life of a glass jug and pears is the work of celebrated British artist William Nicholson? The investigation began when viewer Lyn got in touch to ask for our help - a painting she owns recently suffered a fatal blow when it was rejected by the leading authority on William Nicholson and was left out of the artist's latest catalogue raisonnee - the official list of all his known worksAs the team delve back into the provenance of the painting, they come across an alarming find - could this painting have been involved in one of the great art crimes of the 20th century? Fiona meets reformed art forger John Myatt to find out if he ever faked a Nicholson.
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The idea that a student of Nicholson picked up an old canvas from Nicholson's paint box and then painted the same scene and then signed Nicholson's name on it is ABSURD and LUDICROUS! I think Fake or Fortune have established themselves as the new Catalog Raisoné.


To reject this painting based on overwhelming evidence to the contrary is inexplicable. Reed is clearly trying to salvage her reputation here but in so doing has ultimately destroyed it.


Wow. Why would Nicholson title someone else's work though? Sounds like Ms. Reed is too embarrassed to correct her mistake and is willing to rob that woman and art world to maintain her pride.


Reed is no more an expert than Lyn's aunt was. As it stands there are two experts with differing opinions. In this instance, the physical facts are enough to prove it to be genuine. Show me his student's works with the same scratch marks, identical signature, and his writing on the back. The answer, you won't find any. Did Churchill sign his works as Nicholson? No. Did Churchill copy Nicholson's scratch technique? Not that I've seen. Artists have their own techniques to set them apart from their contemporaries. Therefore, Nicholson wouldn't have allowed a student to copy his signature or technique. We inspire others to find their own style and branding. This piece is not amateur. The artist responsible is highly skilled. When Nicholson and Churchill painted together, their individual painting styles and techniques are distinguishable and obvious. They were not copying one another.

If Reed truly believes what she's saying, versus doing her best to save face, then the authenticity of the other painting "jug and fruit" is now suspect. It's my opinion, they were both painted by Nicholson. He was either simply trying his hand at abstract after painting the original, or was commissioned to paint the abstract version after someone saw the Glass Jug paint.

I don't know of any artist who's sighed another artist's work. Let along allowed another artist copy their signature. All the evidence is there for another expert to give the painting a seal of approval. After all, her aunt had done so years before. Furthermore, had another artist painted the picture, they certainly would have signed it themselves! Reed simply refuses to accept responsibility for her own ill judgement. I would sue Reed for the lost value of the picture. After all, the evidence speaks for itself. Many artists experiment with techniques. Hence several works in different styles of the same or similar subject matter. Reed can not definitely say this picture is not authentic. Many "experts" and institutions have been duped or wrong time and time again. Many works have been accepted on much less physical evidence. Unless there is a 110% verifiable catalogue of all his works, written in by the artist, , nobody, with the amount of verified proof in favor of this picture, can say with certainty this is not one of his painting.

If we were to take Reed's decision as fact rather than opinion, we'd have grounds to wipe out the value of 1000's of works. I will say it again, no artist would allow a student to sign the work in their style. Certainly not with the same initial. The same initial and his own handwriting on the back is too coincidental.

Reed's decision has infuriated me. It is "expert's" like Reed who've thrown away true masterpieces. Masterpieces later deemed genuine.



When she refused to deliver her verdict in person, I knew what she had decided. She couldn't show her face, in light of all the evidence she was dismissing to reach her conclusion


I don't think this is the last we will hear about this painting somehow !


This was an open and shut case, that painting is a 100% genuine Nicholason, the evidence for it is overwhelming. It's also a fantastic painting, To hell with Ms. Reed.


This was such an unfair case! despite all the incredible evidence. The system needs to change; the value and scientific evidence should be senior to what the experts like or not.. Especially if she does not want to admit she is wrong. I truly admire and trust Lillian Browse opinion on this painting.


how does one person hold such power over a painting to say its authentic or not is just ridiculous


Blew me away too. Fiona and Philip are absolutely correct. The decree was maddening to hear. This painting will find its place again someday. How could it not?!


Admittedly this is the first I've heard of William Nicholson as an artist, but it's very clear that the delicacy and poetry that is present in the Begonias which Phillip pointed out is present in all his works, including Glass Jug. Glass Jug caught my breath from the get-go and I can see why Lyn was so attached to it and I truly believe it has more of the artist's spirit than the authentic one in Ottawa. I'm infuriated by the final verdict but also happy to have found a new rabbithole of an artist to pursue.


The expert was upset that she had the "ugly" painting of the two and really did not want anymore
side by side comparisons. So the better painting of the two was nullified as not genuine. I
would have another expert look at it.


No wonder she refused to give her verdict in person, as she still refuses to admit she most likely is wrong. I think it is unreal how in so many cases it is all up to just one person to say it is an original or not.


I think patricia reed has got some vengeance against the owner's aunt that she is so adamant on not admitting the fact that this painting is legit and should be rightfully included in the catalog raisonne.


Such blatant arrogance by Patricia Reed by supposedly expert person refusing too admit that she got it wrong ... Ridiculous


Lovely Patricia Reed,

in 20 years this picture will be accepted as a real work.
And your name will be forgotten.

That‘s sadly the sweet truth.


What an explnation by Patricia Reed, as if other students could have painted it on Nicholson's board, and let him sign it???


In this particular case I don't think that if they had the hand written bill of sale from the artist, a signed statement of authenticity from Nicholson, photographic evidence and Nicholson's actual DNA in the picture that Reed and co. would accept this painting. I think this is more about sour grapes and axe grinding than anything else. The unfortunate thing is that the niece is caught in the middle and paying one heck of a price, 165, 000 pounds for professional animosity.


Ms Reed is a disgrace...she didn't even have the guts to turn up in person.


I don`t understand why the art world ultimately takes the word of a single person in a case like this when so many others have proven otherwise. With all the evidence that they had, why take the word of this "expert". Who made her the only one to decide? Just because she wrote a book?
