FreeBSD Handbook Walkthrough | Chapters 1-3

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Annotated walkthrough of the FreeBSD handbook chapters 1-3:

0:00:00 - Chapter 1: Getting Started
0:09:13 - 2: Installation
0:41:29 - 3: FreeBSD Basics
0:42:48 - 3.2: Virtual Consoles and Terminals
0:57:34 - 3.3: Users and Basic Account Management
1:17:37 - 3.4: Permissions
1:18:54 - 3.5: Directory Structure
1:50:59 - 3.6: Disk Organization
1:59:53 - 3.7: Mounting and Unmounting File Systems
2:03:34 - 3.8: Processes and Daemons
2:15:05 - 3.9: Shells
2:23:33 - 3.10: Text Editors
2:24:45 - 3.11: Devices and Device Nodes
2:26:49 - 3.12: Manual Pages

This is from the view of a student of FreeBSD, not an expert (i.e., I stumble a lot) -- hopefully somebody finds this perspective helpful! A prior knowledge of OS fundamentals is required but not recommended.

Sorry for the poor audio quality. I was trying out a new headset and didn't realize the mic had a lot of noise behind it, and the noise filtering made the speech unclear.

Errata (also mentioned at start of next video):
0:21:05 - When creating the VM in virt-manager, even though I did not set the number of allocated CPUs to 8, so the VM was only using a single core even though the CPU topology has 8 logical CPUs. (As you can see in htop, only one core was showing.)
2:33:33 - The info pages were removed from the base install (beginning in FreeBSD 11), and now can be installed with the texinfo package (the print/texinfo port).
Рекомендации по теме

This was a really good walkthrough. Too bad you never continued it!
