Computing Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode) in JASP (5-9)

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We walk through the steps to identify three measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) using JASP. This is an excellent introduction to JASP software and some of the functions that we will use throughout the introductory statistics course.

This video teaches the following commands and techniques in JASP:
Open SPSS data in JASP
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Plots
Assessing a distribution for normality

This video uses the dataset StatsClass.SAV and JASP version 11.1

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I think this JASP Program is smarter and easier to use (since the results are shown immediately) than SPSS.

I don't know why people prefer to use SPSS. Thanks for your video. I have gotten enough information so far regarding to statistics


Thanks, it's very simple and easy to use


amazing video and very helpful thank you


Did the document change? I followed along but the values for std deviation and maximum are different on my screen
On my screen Std. Deviation says 15.956 and Maximum says 134.500

I know it's not needed for this but it still concerns me that the values are different

The mean is also different and says 97.335

The histograms are different too


This made stats and graphing so easy that it almost should be illegal :D


You get a warning to say there are to more than one mode. How do you get JASP to show you what those other modes are?


What are the benefits of JASP more than SPSS? (If there are)
