You're 10 Weeks Pregnant: What You Need to Know

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You're 10 weeks Pregnant - Your baby bump is growing and becoming more prominent. Know more about your baby’s development and how your body is changing at this point of your pregnancy journey.

Welcome to the 10th week of your pregnancy momma!

Your baby at this week is as big as a strawberry. Its size will double in the next two weeks. Your baby's spinal cord can be seen through his translucent skin. Your baby is starting to swallow some of the amniotic fluid to absorb the nutrients he/she needs in the next coming weeks.

Your baby's brain, liver and kidney are already functioning at this week. Your baby will be covered in a soft fine hair called Lanugo and its nails will start to grow. Amazingly, your baby is starting to produce urine and is also secreting digestive fluids from its stomach.

Your baby belly may start to show at this week. It's okay if you are not. Remember that each pregnancy is different and every woman shows and grows at her own time.

You will still experience the same pregnancy symptoms you had last week. But some women say that around this week, they experience new sets of symptoms.

The Parenting Co, formerly known as Ready Set Mom, is committed to helping parents make their life a little bit more manageable. We provide educational materials and tips for all kinds of parents, whether first-timers, veterans, or single parents. As long as you are a parent, you are always welcome in our community.

Know what are the new symptoms that you need to look out for, dig deeper as to how your baby is developing, and take note of the things that need to be done at this stage of your pregnancy by clicking the links below:

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