Exedy vs ACT Clutch - Which is better?

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00:00 Intro
01:12 Quick Summary
03:57 Exedy Twin Review
08:40 Straight Cut 4th Gear
09:11 Evo comparison
13:20 Chatter Sound Comparison
13:44 ACT Twin Review
22:42 Conclusion

I fell like all i did in this video is say a whole lot of nothing. Hopefully you find some value out of it. Also, am i say "Exedy" wrong?

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What I love are channels that show a cars individual character. This video was awesome! I’m a former DSM owner, an Evo lover and a long time subscriber. More more more 🤘🏼


I have the Exedy Twin in my EVO and the first 3 months I was surprised by the clutch chatter when I was at a stop light with cars on each side. The clutch is much quieter now and I have gotten used to it. The only thing I need to get better at is making sure I don’t change gears until the clutch is fully engaged. The Exedy Twin is a great clutch.


Awesome review Bro. Good to see some feed back on the new ACT Twin. Thank you for taking the time to put this review/user feedback together.


Please keep the videos coming, been learning a lot from your videos after buying my evo 8!


I had an Exedy twin in my EVO for about 8 years before I sold the car. The car only made probably 330 wheel. The chatter is very minimal and eventually went away but it did take a long time to smooth out. Thousands and thousands of miles.A friend helped me move and had to move the car. He didn't have a ton of manual experience but he remarked that it was much easier to drive than he expected. I can't say enough good stuff about the Exedy. I also "Trained" myself in the same way you talked about. I do the same thing in my FRS and my new EVO with a single but as soon as it's time to replace the "New" VIII clutch I'm going back with the Exedy just because it's a known solution and it's an expensive experiment. Also pulling an EVO transmission is such a PITA.


I have an act sigle disc full face in my evo 8 and this video helped me choose my next upgrade act twin disc thanks bro I'm always aware of your content


I luv my Exedy Twin, the only time I get lockout is going through a bend or a roundabout. Awesome review!!!


Thanks for the awesome content. Currently running a comp clutch twin disc in my E6. tonnes of bite but its a very harsh clutch. Very heavy pedal feel, so much so my clutch pedal squeak's now. The clutch Howls quite a bit when its engaging with the fly wheel. Also quite a bit of judder


Really informative video. Thank you sir


Great video giving real life driving experience on both. I would like to know if you Exedy Twin is it SD or SDF type?


Thanks for the insights Paul; I'm currently on the ACT HDSS single/street/sprung - JW if you have had any experience with that one and how it compares - noted your comment on even @ stock power you would take a twin vs single and was hoping you might be able to expand on that a bit. I haven't had great success with launches on the HDSS and may be looking for an upgrade/replacement in the future on a DD pump gas/stock turbo evo 9 for context. Thanks bro - appreciate the vids either way, you are the man!


I have on my Evo 8 stage 1 exedy with act streetlite flywheel I love this combo handles 350 tq like it was meant for it Drives very close to stock


I've had both exedy twin and triple disc, the triple felt more like stock it's really light but had lots of chatter when you press the clutch in also have a dog box too lol exedy twin is hard to press in and also the travel is long, also yes the act is like stock too I would buy the twin but I'd get triple exedy myself for more power hope this helps anyone!


I read all the forums for twin disc reviews, I found issues with older exedy twin discs, so I looked elsewhere, the ACT isn't really available over here in Au so I found a place that sold ORC 659s which I installed myself and never looked back, no chatter, stock feel, rattles a bit but built evo therefore don't care, gives it character


Well I just found out the shatter noise on my evo is completely normal, it had me worried for the longest


Thank you for this video .
I had a exedy twin in my 03 evo 8 and had TERRIBLE decel noises along with the loud rattle at idel . I actually did not hear any if all decel noises with either clutch . Do you get any decel noises and is the ACT quieter in your opinion?


Nice review, very helpful. What's the power output for both these cars. Was a Exedy OEM stock clutch no good?


I went from a single 6 puck ACT to an exedy triple and it felt like stock compared to the 6 puck lol.


from crank walk to twin disc clutch is like 😮


I’m curious how many miles you get out of the twin. Can you update us when it needs to be replaced?