Watch this BEFORE using a Continuous Glucose Monitor for weight loss

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I used a continuous glucose monitor for 6 months and here is my RUTHLESS REVIEW. Is it worth it or a waste of money if the goal is to use it for weight loss?

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This video is NOT medical advice, if you start fasting and you are diabetic or on medication speak to a doctor before starting!
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There’s a doctor that explains what was happening to you. He helped thousands of people loose huge amounts of weight. Unfortunately he only speaks Spanish. But what he said is that these huge spikes shows that there is an intolerance that your body have to a certain food that even includes what we consider healthy. Example I realized that my body hate tomatoes it spikes my levels in a huge way. But other vegetables are ok. I also realized that these foods cause huge inflammations in my body. I keep a list of these food and removed them, that was heavily for me and my health. He also explained that different people react differently to working out at different times. We are all different. If you spike at a certain time try a different time also try different workouts to see which one doesn’t spike. This has been amazing in losing weight hope this helps. Also hydration is huge! It will effect your levels.


I’m so glad you made this video. I have been considering buying one of these recently but after watching this I don’t think it’s for me and it will definitely feed into my orthorexia. I feel “on track” with my focus being on mainly eating whole foods but you also just confirmed this for me.


I lost over 120 lbs last year and a glucose meter was key. But this lady does not seem to xnow how to use it. Use the monitor, but use it right. Put yourself into a calorie deficit and dntermittant fasting. Eat healthy when you eat, but then work out afterwards. It's good to get a spike from a workout. All spikes are not the same. Spiking glucose diring a workout is because you body started eating fat. She should know this instead of saying it doesn't make sense for her to say to her a spike is a spike.


I've done some work on insulin resistance due to my personal situation. I agree that this monitor is great for information and how your body reacts to certain foods. That being said a carb is a carb. Yes, obviously a sweet potato is better nutritionally than a candy bar but most peoples bodies will read it as a carb regardless. When you eat carbs, whole foods or not, continuously throughout the day as most Americans do then you have a continuous spike in glucose resulting in insulin resistance. Since you are eating whole foods once a day and not continuously, then it only gives one spike. Your body appears to recover from it which I would assume your blood glucose is able to remain stable the rest of the time. The monitors are, in my opinion, good for people who need to see the visual of a continuous spike when they eat certain foods and try to reverse insulin resistance. I eat clean Keto but I used to do it all day long. I never gave my body a break so I had spikes all the time since glucose can spike anytime you eat food. I think you are spot on that this isn't for everyone, but what you are doing for your body is clearly working. Thanks for the video.


It is amazing how to hear about the mental impact. Definitely gave me a new perspective.


love this! i've also had issues where the spike make me feel super guilty


Thanks for giving an honest review! I like how you mentioned healing your relationship with food!


that's interesting; my personal experience with keeping my blood sugar low as well as fasting in the mornings has helped me lose weight surprisingly quickly after years of only losing weight with enormous difficulty. I'm not keto but I do eat very clean and under 100 carbs per day on average and all of those carbs come from vegetables. I'm excited to add in resistance training to see what impact that will have. Did you do any strength training to failure during those 6 months?


You could cook your sweet potatoes, let them cool- then heat them again to get a smaller spike.

Also, do you have recipes for the mess you showed??? They looked AMAZING!
I’m one of those people trying to move away from fast food for every meal and hardly know how to cook at home. 😅


Great video - thought provoking - Check out the Glucose Goddess, she’s on YouTube (and ZOE) - in a nutshell she’s saying the sequence you eat different food types makes a difference to glucose spiking – a meal should be fibre first, protein/fat second, and anything sweet last. Eating fibre first buffers the sugar spikes from the rest (particularly the sweet course) . So a salad as a starter would be a good first course with high fibre and low GI
As it happens she’s French, and her advice sounds is very much like a typical traditional French meal - obviously whole unprocessed food is best.


I understand how wanting to keep your glucose low led you to avoid healthy foods you should have eaten more of. But how did it lead you to eating too many keto foods? Couldn't you have done intermittent fasting and keto at the same time?


Hola!! Hugs from Mexico 🇲🇽 thank you for this videos .


thank you so much for making this video! ❤


Shoot, I am confused. I just bought a lot of keto food this week to start my journey. Haha yes, I will probably purchase a glucose monitor but just because my diet has been unbelievably bad with loaded sugar and I fear diabetes. I was drinking up to 12 cans or 2 2-liters of coke a day for energy. Then I switched to kool-aid for lower sugar but to get more water. I am going to try infused water again. I never saw a weight loss drinking water before. I don't like the taste of water so it is hard for me to drink. I will watch more of your videos. I am 150lbs, more than I have ever been, and want to get back down to 120. I was walking 11 miles a day at work before Covid but it damaged my heart and lungs and I haven't exercised in 3 years. I am trying to get healthy again. Thanks for your video.


Good afternoon Ashley. Thanks so much for your ruthless review of Glucose Monitors. I completely agree they're totally uncessary when you follow a healthy plant based diet on your weight loss journey. 👍👍


Ashley, new subscriber. I applied my cgm this morning. First time user., to monitor my levels. I am pre diabetic. i am concerned about cgm coming off in the shower. I have the large patch on. But was curious if you experienced any issues with monitor getting wet. Thank you.


Great message! At 74, my entire life I have been bombarded by the food police. Enough!


Recuerda: que no solo la insulina es anabólica, la vía del cortisol es muy anabolizante, tomaste en cuenta eso


You didn’t lose weight because you weren’t in a caloric deficit. You didn’t work out enough or your diet was incorrect. Stable glucose is secondary.


Dr Stacy sims explains this pretty well she focus on sex difference and yeah women are not doing so well on keto personally I even gained weight on blueprint eating 1200 kcl a day with an 8 hour feeding window 😂
