Managing Pain and Sleep Issues in MS: Part 1- Pain in Multiple Sclerosis

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Pain and sleep disorders often cause confusion and frustration for people with MS, their loved ones, and healthcare providers. Learn from scientists and clinicians about strategies for symptom management, available treatment options, and ongoing research to identify the cause of pain and sleep disorders in MS.
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Pain is pain nothing makes you feel like less of a human than chronic pain. The deception of having to hide that fact is even more deadly


I've had Ms for over 20 Yrs suffering in Hourable Pain I'm now Bedridden And I'm Not who I was Thank you For Sharing 💜😔💕🦋🦋💜🙏🦋


I was able to give up pain meds cold turkey once I found cannabis. I was on high dose of the Fentanyl patch as well as Dilaudid and the like. I'm MUCH smarter on weed than on traditional pain meds. And CBD, well, that doesn't get you high at all, just does wonders for pain. It's expensive though, and I cannot always afford it.


Great video! I haven't been diagnosed with MS but I have chronic pain and fatigue that has suddenly come on 2 years ago that has been absolutely debilitating to the point I can't work anymore. Doctors haven't been able to find a cause of my pain yet. Much of the pain in nerve related so really this could be all in my head. Medications help only a small percentage. I'm currently in pain management making my way through every treatment option available. It is very depressing to say the least. I enjoyed watching the video. Good advice. :) Thank you. ♡


Thank you. I have been going to a pain clinic for over six years but I think I better understand my pain.


Explained some of my symptons and explained more


Sodium and potassium are needed in balance ish.. when your sodium rich your low in potassium... i use cream of tartre in your local baking section to lower my sodium ions.
28 years of ms... still walking. Ketosis is anti inflammatory. Check out yoshinori 2016 Nobel winners.. upreg stem cells. Recycle and repair. Good luck.


Have had Ms and chronic pain for over 30 years. Never out of pain ever it's bad most of the time. The medical profession can say and do what they like I have tried possible pain medication. None of it works expect this is the same for most people with MS that experience chronic. Have tried cannabis doesn't seem to help with the pain. But I can handle it better when smoking cannabis


yes, my father has this trigeminal nerve pain and suffering from last 25 years. we still don't find any specific medicine of this pain and MS as well. Please tell me if there is any cure at lest of this kind of pain.


I suffer from cold feet and they also feel like they are burning. It often times soar up my legs. It sucks!!!


I have a disagreement with this video on the stance on opioid use to treat pain in Ms. The 1 pain I can not use mind over matter, heat therapy, meditation, and other drugs in the nerve pain in my legs that has been one of my longest symptoms and the only one that has persisted over the last 24 years. The ONLY thing I have found to lessen the pain and make like bearable.... is ULTRAM. I deal with every other pain.... that one puts me in the hospital 36hrs after my last dose... and no it's not detox as I can go 9 months and it's still thc is the ONLY way I'm currently able to pee swallow and other bodily functions and if I'm aware of the strands it actually improves my cognitive abilities... more research needs to be put into both of these areas of medicine, and hear from people who have long term use.... including during life events like pregnancy ect.... I'd be glad to share my experiances


Thanks for your very interesting article, here are a few more tips for a treatment for MS
Get plenty of rest
Exercising, yoga, tai chi, meditation, deep breathing, hypnosis,
Use green juice, wheatgrass, fresh organic fruits and vegetables, etc.
Some things to avoid if you have ms are alcohol, dairy products, eggs, commercially prepared and fast foods, margarine, milk, red meats, commercial salt, sugar, aspartame.
(I discovered these and why they work from Denelle Multi Care website )


Raphael Mechoulam has done the research since the 70s.


Someone needs to do some fact checking on the dangers of cannabis smoking. If anyone really is concerned with smoke. You can use a vaporizer that does not create any combustion. My response to cognitive problems would be. That's a very minor side effect compared to the pain I am in without it. I always have to laugh at that one. It's a fairly minor cost compared to the increase in my quality of life.


When I had Trigeminal Neuralgia it felt like what I would imagine a lightning bolt striking my face .


This information is 9 years old? Where was I?


I'm studying treating MS naturally and found a fantastic website at Denelle multi care (google it if you're interested)


My doctor don't believe ms can cause pain and wants me to just stay sitting and smoke a lot of weed she wants me to stay stoned but it doesn't do anything for pain I've tried 3 other doctors and a pain clinic all have said go back to my MS doctor and that my doctor is the best there is so now I have no doctor and I have to find pain pills myself this is so hard I'm only 37 now I'm thinking I'm just gonna get a gun and stop this pain fo good


I think men are better at handling the pain!!
