All About Baptism (Part 1)

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The Bible's teaching on New Testament baptism is pure and simple. Consider this first video study and some of the truths and misconceptions about baptism.

Bible Reference:
(1) The river possessed no magical power; it was God’s gracious power that Naaman received when he obeyed (2 Kings 5:1-19).
(2) This was a baptism of repentance and forgiveness of sin under the Law of Moses (Matthew 3:11).
The baptism we will study is the primary baptism seen in the New Testament. It is a baptism in the “name of the Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 19:1-5)
(3) Peter commanded people to be baptized. The Holy Spirit revealed this valuable command and Peter preached it (Acts 10:47-48)
(4) Some people hear that baptism is a command and become nervous. They claim that baptism is a work, and that we are not save by works. Such concern is appreciated. No one can earn their salvation. We are saved by God’s grace through faith (Ephesians 2:6-10).
(5) Works aren’t always bad. Did you know that Jesus classified “Belief” (John 6:28-29)?
(6) Faith is obeying what God has asked. God has called for penitent sinners who want to be saved to be baptized. Therefore, it is not a work of the flesh, but a faithful response to God! (1 Peter 3:21).
(7) Sin has made us spiritually filthy. Our sins stain our soul and make us impure (Isaiah 64:6)
(8) And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord (Acts 22:16)
(9) Saul, called Paul, later referred to baptism as regeneration. That means a process of renewal, restoration, and growth (Titus 3:4-5)
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Yes, Acts 2:38! Got baptised in Jesus name 44 years ago.


That's a Great way to express the most complicated explanation & that too in a short time for laymen ...Thank you so much !


Love hearing these teachings on Baptism and I will teach on it to my church member on Wednesday really appreciate the sharing that Pure and Simple Bible teach


This is an excellent video that I am going to share with my D-group. Thank you for your sharing your gifts in the making of disciples.


This is something I've been struggling lately. At 54, I need to get this done! I want to have a solid understanding of it though and would like to know more about the Old Testament instructions. This video is the first OT mention that I've seen so far. Unfortunately there's only 1 that you mentioned. I will look in to it though. (2 Kings 5)

I'd like to make a suggestion. Hopefully you'll receive it. Please put the Bible passages that you reference in your videos.


If we sin after getting baptise, will God forgive us? i really want to be baptised but i'm so scared to dissapoint him after


I have a suggestion. I want you to teach about how to live a godly life and how to be a better Christian.


Its amazing how complicated people make the matter of baptism. It is clearly given to us as a command to be saved and added to the church (those being the same thing). Fear and obey God, don't listen to the people who tell you all you need to do is say a pray then your saved forever.


so, I have a problem. I'm 15 and my family moves alot. I'm afraid that I won't be able to get baptised because I don't go to church but worship God in my house.


Baptism with water is an outward symbol of the greater inner baptism of the gift of holy spirit, think Pentecost in Acts 2. That is what Paul taught.
Water can't save you, but only gets you wet. Heb. 9:10 says they are various cerimonial washing (baptisms). The early church couldn't get by their tradional thinking, especially Peter, until Paul put it right.
Nice graphics though.


Accepting the sacrifice of Christ is enough to save, Baptism follows for public testimony., Baptism does not wash away sin, only the blood of Christ does this.


jesus never told anyone to wear or buy a cross.


Do you believe that those in the old testament were redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, even though he had not yet been crucified and resurrected?


John the Baptist - 'a baptism of repentance and forgiveness of sins under the law of Moses"
The Baptism seen in the New Testament is 'A baptism in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ. It began after Jesus was resurrected so men like the thief on the cross were not required to obey it.'
Well, I've never heard it differentiated like that before. So where did baptism start?
There are a few references in the Old Testament that are Symbols of baptism - Naaman, Israelites through the Red Sea, Noah and the ark, various Mosaic laws (Leviticus 13-15) but really no Old Testament command for everyone to be dipped in water as part of their salvation. It only popped up with John the Baptist.


Apostle Paul is not taught water baptism Rom 6:3 baptized into his death !
