Warframe's 'Duviri Paradox' Made Me Lose My Mind...

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Duviri really shows how mind boggling the void is. Creating a sub dimension with its own people and even time doesn’t function normally.


A LOT of duviri is continuation of the new war, the hand falling from Lotus, you getting stabbed again etc etc
Its crazy how much the quests can answer but how many more questions are raised


“Or is that just gonna make me have way more questions?”
Yes. Both yes.


The fact that I suggested Cross to watch your warframe content from a "former Destiny player starting warframe experience" only for some hater to comment that he shouldnt because you were gifted some much stuff and hit MR 20+ in under 200 hours 😂😂😂


5:15 am I watching Ben10 from my childhood?


"Can't be harder than riding a horse can it?"-Drifter: From New War


The fact that you knew that was Lotus's hand was impressive enough. Other streamers just let those lore elements fly over their heads


It's still crazy to think that duviri is just a storybook that became an actual place because of the void.


Duviri is pretty confusing - basically the idea is that while your operator was fighting in the Old War and then sleeping in Lua, what was the drifter doing? In the New War, the drifter says that they are the version of the operator that didn't get rescued from the zariman


This game has a nasty habit of giving us swords that stabbed us.


"but you can send them back to hell" is the phrase that reveals where this takes place < at the point where you get executed over and over


"Couldn't they made this harder?"

Be careful what you wish for.


Something a lot of people miss with Warframe is the duality of all the questlines. They are always both the lore story being told in the system, and a personal story of mental health, family, the human experience. For Duviri, its both a paradoxical, eternalism story, showcasing the void, and how the drifter escaped to join the new war, and also a representation of extreme trauma in a way that implies almost a DiD experience (multiple personality disorder). Durviri is a world built on each emotion, different parts of the drifter segmented to protect him. Depending who is in charge at the time, is a different side of him, an alt, if you will.


Mactics: I've been playing Warframe for over 100 hundred hours, I know what this games about.

Duvuri Paradox: Hold my beer 😂


Sorry you had to experience alot of confusion here. Duviri was initially designed as an alternate jump-in point to Warframe which is why everything felt very new-player. It was later changed to be locked behind New War as it's a very story heavy part of Warframe's lore.

Put simply: Drifter and Operator are two beings. Do not mix them up. Drifter is the one who experienced Duviri, broke free due to Lotus' hand being sent there by the Man in the Wall (your clone you shook hands with in the new war quest) and in turn returned to the origin system during Narmer to begin reviving Lotus and bringing Operator back from the void. You're playing the part which wasn't covered in New War during Duviri. Only after New War can you consider the Drifter and Operator dual personalities now walking the earth, but can exist as either at anytime (cosmetic reasons). Why? Tenno, especially your player Tenno, are essentially void-gods after shaking the hand of the void itself, the Man in the Wall.


For context, this quest used to be the alternate tutorial quest that you can choose to do when starting the game, that’s why you’re going thru the whole choosing your starting frame thing again


SPOILERS (for this quest and ones you've already done)
My interpretation:
Drifter is the version of you that was never rescued from the Zariman. For years and years (decades?) you were left adrift in the void, subject to its torment, and the trauma of watching all the adults on the ship go mad and die, and seemingly most of the children eventually dying too. To cope with this, you dissociated and receded into your head. Your thoughts mingling with the ambient power of the void allowed the world you crafted to take on physical form. It was made as a place away from reality where you had control and could impose order. It became real, and shifts with your emotions as it comes entirely from your mind.

Your drifter has never heard of warframes, Teshin, Lotus, or any of this nonsense. They did not have (yet) the power of transference, or the same void abilities the original operator did. They lived out their entire existence since the warp jump in the void, until.... Ballas opened the void. Teshin, Lotus, and the operator were dumped into the void. Teshin, and Lotus' hand fell into Duviri, interrupting the stable cycle of dissociative coping you (the drifter) had created. They allow you to break free not only emotionally, but physically and enter the origin system. Drifter feels the debt to this alternate reality, as Teshin suggested. And so takes it upon themselves to save the operator and operator's world from its new traumatic cycle, just as drifter was saved from theirs.

On reliving the New War quest through your play through, there are a lot of lines from the drifter that foreshadow this. They don't share your memory or social bonds. They lack your powers. They mention having been off riding horses.


It wasn’t until a watched your play through on the new war that I realised that was Lotus’s hand.

This is the story of the Drifter Tenno on his timeline?


One of my favourite things about divuri is it's an excelent analogy for depression.


To be fair. Drifter isnt a Tenno. Yes, he also came from Zariman Ten 0. But name tenno refers only to kids that were rescued from zariman, they were infused in void with void powers but not naturaly. This power came from Man in the wall. When in one of timelines YOU make deal with him. Then all kids in all realities/timelines get powers. BUT NOT DRIFTER bc he was isolated in duviri at this time. When kid were rescued and then experimented by orokin, and then turn into living weapons, they were learning about fighting styles and credo. And thats how cast of tenno was created. Drifter wasnt part of that at any point.
Whole duviri quest happens around the same time when New war break out. Invisible version of paracesis stabing you was moment when operator was stabbed by ballas. Then severed lotus hand fell into void and end up in duviri which is somewhere in void. Then you as drifter fight against Dominus. And when you win you canonicaly go outside to the origin system. And this is the moment when Narmer took over system. And drifter fight against them.
Meanwhile when Operator was kicked into the void he probably end up in some weird time loop in void(bc time dont flow properly there). And he has to relive his past, and what lead him to making deal. When he get to that moment and makes deal with Man in the wall all kids from zariman gets powers. ALL kids. Including Drifter that now is in origin system.
When Little Duck ask Drifter "if he worked with tenno" and he said "something like that" its probably more "Yeah, i worked with them trough dimensional tunel in duviri" than "yea, i'm tenno". And i think this is even more posible bc DE worked at duviri paradox(or have it in mind) LONG before new war was even in production. I'm sure that whole concept for duviri was ready before they make mechanical part of it. And they just use this as base for new war story. Thats why in new war Drifters said that using warframe cannot be harder than riding a horse. Bc he was riding horses in duviri. And later in railjack segment he said that he should stay in duviri.

About Teshin. This is OUR Teshin. He wasnt fully dead after Erra crushed his helmet. He felt to void trough the same portal as operator. And he felt into duviri.
