Sacred Geometry - The 64 Tetrahedron Grid

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The 64 tetrahedron grid is the fundamental seed geometry describing the perfect balance and fractal recursion of the vacuum of space-time. This geometric configuration is the father of all form, whereas the flower of life is the mother. Both the flower of life and 64 tetrahedron grid nest together impeccably; they are contrasting versions of the same unity, providing the foundation for the creation and evolution of all life in the divine blueprint of YHWH.

The numerical value 64 is of primary importance in the fundamental structure of the space-time and how that field manifests both physically and metaphysically. As a product of 8 x 8, it is the expression of realized wholeness and perfection in the light of the infinite. The 64 keys and fire geometries of the Hebrew letters revealed by Enoch result from the 4 divine letters in the name of YHWH raised to the third power (father, son, spirit tri-unity) or cubed. (4x4x4=64). Resembling the four chemical steps of DNA (adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine) trinitized and thereby creating the 64 nucleotides of genetic code that define the double helix spiral of DNA and hence our vehicle of physical experience in this world. The 64 Tantric arts of the Kama Sutra, 64 hexagrams of the I Ching (Chinese Book of Changes), and 64 tiles on a chessboard similarly mirror these timeless and archetypal principles.
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That is the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long long time


Isn’t this what the outer limit of the universe looks like?
