Sunlight & Decentralised Health...Why It Matters

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I cover the evidence for greater sunlight & ultraviolet light exposure & lower all-cause death. I also make the case for a decentralized approach to chronic disease prevention & management, and the role pharmaceutical industry influence in medicine.

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🚨 CHROMA. Advanced photobiomodulation devices including D-light (Vitamin D-generating) & Lux vital with OPN3-5 stimulation, cold pillow for the ultimate night's sleep. Use code DRMAX for 11% off.

#sunlight #decentralizedhealth
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As a child in England with delicate white skin we were taught the Noel Coward song that 'only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun' to keep us indoors and 'safe'. More recently the sun seems to have relocated behind a screen of thick white sky fuzz. We rarely see it here.


Vermonter here. I started to use the D-Minder app this spring and summer, had great success raising my D level, but started to get a bad skin rash after 6 to 7 weeks, asked my doc and he told me it was because of a hypertension medication I take, then told me to take antihistamine and use a sun screen, so predictable. I believe sun exposure is so important that I have begun to take steps to get off this drug so I can start my sun exposure regime again.


Thanks for your usual straight talk and giving context to what I have come to understand and fully embrace in my lifestyle. Always trying to spread the word. 🙏💪


Yet another fantastic episode Dr Max! Your presentations should be essential viewing for anyone interested in being involved in their own health journey & not just a passenger !


And to add to this, glen jefferys has said. The normalizing of test. When most or all of the previous tests have been contaminated with loads of blue light. Just like jack discussing cell biology where they did most or all before as dehydrated. I love this stuff. Keep it up. For me the past few weeks. Blocking blue at night has helped regulate my appetite and some weight is coming off. Late night cravings just about gone. OMAD is way easier.


Excited to watch. Thanks for another episode.


Very good presentation, thank you Dr Max


Great lecture. Valuable health info. Thanks for posting!


Thanks for a great video. Unions brought workers things like the 40 hour work week, weekends and much, much more. If unions were educated possibly they and others could work together and revolutionize REAL >>>health<<< CARE. Fore example universal *insurance* featuring sunlight, food, exercise etc. etc. Fantasy #1 SIESTA shorter work week short work days with siesta to get outside. #2 Health spas featuring ingredients like sunlight etc. I believe GIANT $$$$ industries could be created for all. Imagine a health plan for higher latitude workers to escape to sunlight latitudes on a regular basis. Imagine the health travel industries boom and others booming. "WE the people ..." NEED to THINK and ACT outside the box. Fight Back! The current system is murder.


I'm curious about the influence of statin meds and other meds that interfere with cholesterol production which is required for conversion of VitD... there shoukd ne a relationship of increased incidence of skin cancers in folk with lowered cholesterol....???


Well, Max, thank you. I guess I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that we are being farmed and 'harvested', by the super rich families of the world.They are getting pretty skilled at it. They are fertilizing with all kinds of fake manure. Censorship abounds, and informed consent is not allowed much anymore. Thanks for trying, it is a lifeline for us to try to grab before being swept further downstream. May we be blessed with quantum light while we can. The children of our grandchildren depend on it.


Fantastic video, now to try and change the famaliy 's view. Haha.


I wonder if using tanning beds also beneficial? I know that Dr. Kruz mentioned that they are not good. But in the study you mentioned people were using them and seems that it gave them some benefits.


If vitamin D is a bio marker for how much sunlight we are getting, (and the getting of the sunlight being the important thing) is taking Vitamin D as a supplement not a good idea?


Hernandez Kenneth Martinez Ronald Miller Brian


Great video, sad that sunlight is being put in a bad light based on (only UV) studies on mice. But believe me, the fact that you present this video in a blaze of red light does not help spread the message. I dare not send the link to friends and acquaintances because I will be seen as crazy


Jackson Joseph Robinson Jessica Harris Michelle


Many people have observed the the quality of sunlight we observe & feel today is vastly different from sunlight of recent studies. Any scientific evidence for this and thoughts on how it may alter the advice on recommended exposure? Also, how does Contrail Chemtrails, possibly affect exposure advice?


We used to hear about a large ozone hole either directly above, or the size of, Australia, right? Is it still an issue? Does it make any difference to skin exposure?


As a part of the nutrition aspect, I feel as a personal experience, fruits specially are crucial for the Sun living lifestyle, for it's high water content and antioxidants that helps to.protect naturally from the sunburns. Vegetables as well, but firstly fruits. I don't think meat should be in a higher priority position than fruits and vegs
