Ozempic vs Nature's Ozempic

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Super popular celebrity weight loss drug Ozempic compared to what I believe is 'Nature's Ozempic' that acts on the same hormone!
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Ozempic Trial for 68 weeks:

Ozempic Trial 6 Months - 11% Weight Loss:

GLP-1 Suppresses Appetite:

Obesity Estimated Deaths:

Cost of Ozempic:

Lobbying by Ozempic:

SCFAs and GLP-1:

General Dietary Triggers of GLP-1:


Potent GLP-1 Stimulator:

GLP-1 Sensors in Intestines:

BROAD Study:

Saturated Fat Palmitate Death of GLP-1 Producing Cells:

High Fat Diet Mice Gut Dysbiosis GLP-1 Study:

Gut Dysbiosis GLP-1 Resistance Human Study:

AUD and Fiber:

Chewing Mention in this Study:

Intro/Outro Song: Sedução Momentânea by Roulet:
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Start at 8:30 to learn about natures ozempic…natural boosts for GLP1…fiber/veggies
and glucose (whole starches) 12:08


Went plant based about 2 months ago after my A1c crept up. Now down almost 20 lbs, no inflammation and no expensive injectables. Only side effects are more money, more energy, better sleep, better stamina, and on the downside at this rate I’ll need a new wardrobe soon. 😢


Other sources:

2. Flaxseeds and Chia Seeds: These seeds are rich in soluble fiber and also contain omega-3 fatty acids. They have been suggested to increase GLP-1 levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

3. Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to enhance GLP-1 secretion and improve insulin sensitivity. Incorporating cinnamon into your diet can be as simple as adding it to oatmeal, smoothies, or baked goods.

5. Berries: Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are not only rich in fiber but also contain antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. They have been associated with increased GLP-1 secretion and improved glucose metabolism.

6. Turmeric: Turmeric, a spice commonly used in curry dishes, contains a compound called curcumin. Curcumin has been found to increase GLP-1 production and may have potential benefits for blood sugar regulation.


20 years ago I did weight watchers and back then one of the rules was that you could eat as much potato (plain without fat added obv) as you want in a sitting for 2 points - which is literally nothing when you have 18 points to spend in a day. So I was "gaming" the system by eating boiled potatoes with tomato sauce (tomatoes are "free") pretty much every day and then have fun with my other 16 points. You'd think I was cheating myself, but no, I actually did lose weight. I've been relying on potatoes for weightloss ever since. People are incredulous when I tell them, they just can't believe you could lose weight eating potatoes. Potatoes and carbs in general have been way too demonized. Anyway I thought it was funny that weight watchers knew this stuff already 20 years ago.


Let's not forget it was supposed to be for diabetics. Once it was blasted as a weight loss drug my sister has not been able to afford it.


Anecdotal, but I think it’s relevant. My entire family has diabetes and high cholesterol except for me. I went vegan and mostly no sugar at 26 and completely prevented it so far (14 years). Also consistently at a decent weight. I have the occasional treat of a cupcake or something and I don’t worry about it at all. I walk daily but I don’t exercise, I’m pretty lazy. It’s a good life. Everyone says I look a lot younger than I am too, added benefit as I approach middle age.


The most natural appetite suppressant is an annoying telemarketer calling when you have taken three bites of your food. When I get interrupted, I always lose appetite 😂


can you post a groceries shopping list based on this video?


I am not vegetarian, but have eaten very limited low fat animal protein, mainly whole foods - lots of fruit and veggies and high carb, high fibre grains etc. Also, eating intuitively and listening to my hunger. I take regular but very gentle exercise. I am now in my 60s and my body is not much different from when I was young. I have no health concerns. High fibre, high carbs has been my way of life and it has worked so well for me.


i have ADHD and developed a binge eating problem. If you are struggling to lose weight and have an issue with attention span, ADD, ADHD, Binge eating, or any other unhealthy food habits... check out counseling. you would be surprised how much of it is mental and not physical. Getting mental illness or addressing structural differences in your brain could be the difference. I struggled for over a decade with weight problems. After therapy and medicating my ADHD and binge eating, im down 30 pounds in 4 months. (188 -> 158), my goal is 20-25% body fat, i am at about 30% right now :)


Dude I was a drunk for 25ish years shortly after going vegan I quit I'm now sober and vegan about 5 years . I always knew veganism cured my alcoholism just didn't know how🌱🕉️


I tried Ozempic for a month and actually gained weight. The side effects were terrible—severe nausea, constipation, and stomach pain. I think I gained weight because it made me retain fluid. I’ve been off of it for about a week and lost 3 pounds already but I’ve also been eating more raw foods. Still having issues with constipation. My husband is a diabetic and lost 15 pounds on Ozempic initially. Now, it’s not working as effectively. A friend of mine has lost 40 pounds but not diabetic. It’s working for her but she has slowed down on the weight loss.


Whenever someone asks me what I do to maintain my figure, I attribute it to a plant-based diet.


Thank you for doing this. My financial situation is currently negative (nothing too dramatic though, I'll manage) your channel though deserves financial awarding. I hope your finances are good. I shared this video to few people that I know, I hope as many sees this as possible, who does'nt know this already.


If fiber and starch have a strong positive influence on GLP-1, should we consume a daily smoothie high in fiber with some starchy plant protein (e.g. pea protein) to achieve the Ozempic benefits? I think I will try it.


So why didn’t high carb, plant based work for me? Weight gain over nine months.. carbs making me crave more carbs. Developing thyroid growth 🙁


I thought you were going to say leafy greens were nature's Ozempic! I heard on one of Dr. Greger's podcasts that the thylakoids (I think that the term) in green leafy veggies make it all the way down to the ileum break and give your body the signal that 'we are all full!' and it curbs appetite. I was excited that you had something else in mind. I always learn so much here. Thanks for sticking to the science and for standing up to the naysayers.


"Fibre face isn't a thing" 🤣


I've had such a hard time getting GLP-1 agonists for my patients with poorly controlled diabetes - people who are really at risk of imminent adverse outcomes - because so many people are using it for weight loss. Don't get me wrong, there are some people whose excess weight is really putting them at increased risk. But this cosmetic use of semaglutide and similar medications has caused a shortage of the medications for people who might actually lose limbs, vision, or their lives without it. To put it lightly, it's extraordinarily frustrating. Appreciate this video highlighting, once again, that eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet is, you know, good for you.
- Just A Vegan Excited About Beans, MD, MPH


I’m doing Ozempic AND eating fiber, down 20 lbs! No nausea. I don’t pay $1, 000 per month either! I pay no where near that figure. I’m happy with where I am. I’ve dealt with chronic pain for over 10 years and take pain meds. Ozempic has not helped with pain whatsoever. Thank you for this video, I was interested.
