3.5) Pandas: Merging Dataframes

Показать описание
1.1) Why Python?

1.2) Why run Python code in Google Colab?

1.3) Why learn Python in DataCamp?

1.4) Why learn Python in Dataquest?

1.5) Introduction to Markdown in Google Colab

1.6) Learn Latex in Google Colab

1.7) Upload Data in Github to Open in Google Colab

2.1) NumPy: Data Types

2.2) NumPy: Creating Array

2.3) NumPy: Increment Operator

2.4) NumPy: Mean, Standard Deviation

3.1) Pandas: Introduction to Series

3.2) Pandas: DataFrame

3.3) Pandas: Reading Excel Files in Google Colab

3.4) Pandas: Reading CSV or Text Files in Google Colab

3.5) Pandas: Merging Dataframes

3.6) Pandas Concatenate or Append Function

3.7) Pandas: Pivoting from "Long" to "Wide" Format

3.8) Pandas: Mean of a Variable with Conditions

3.9) Pandas: Recode Categorical Variable

3.10) Pandas: Filter Columns and Rows

3.11) Load Excel/CSV Files into Google Colab

3.12) Series vs Dataframe vs MultiIndex (Panel)

4.1) Matplotlib: Introduction

4.2) Matplotlib: Boxplot and Histogram

4.3) Matplotlib: Scatterplot

4.4) Matplotlib: Figure vs Axis

5.1) Plotly: Dynamic Scatterplot with Clusters

5.2) Plotly: Dynamic Histogram with Vertical Line

5.3) Plotly: Bar Chart

6.1) Python: Function, Conditional Statement, Data Transformation

6.2) Python: Loop over List, String, Dictionary, and Numpy Array

6.3) Fibonacci: Recursion vs Loop

6.4) Python: Loop to Simulate Coin Tosses

6.5) Python Loop, List Comprehension, and Lambda Function

6.6) Python: *args vs **kwargs

6.7) What the Arrow Means in Python Function Definition?

7.1) Everything in Python is an Object

7.2) Learn How to Create a Class in Python

8.1) DataCamp Signal Assessment: Python Programming
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I don't really have a question but I would say the explanation was detailed and straight to the point. Thanks.


I’m confused on the selection of the variable, on=’id’ and how this impacts the merging of the Data Frames. Could you clarify what you mean by the variable that will make the match?


just from my limited python experience as i work through the course, it seems like pd dataframes is the most convenient way to organize data for subsequent compared to other methods like python list of lists and numpy arrays, are there any disadvantages you can think of for using dataframes that would make the other options better in some cases?


Is there a way to read tables from databases like Access directly into dataframes? I could see using these tools with the keys and joins in a database to more efficiently analyze databases than using SQL or exporting to a .csv.


If we needed to to merge data frames on variables that do not necessarily match, for example dates that are formatted differently, how would we go about doing this?


When merging larger data frames, would we be able to select partial data frames or would have to be the entire set.


Regarding google colab, when writing code will we always have to import numpy and pandas manually? Or is there a way to store it in the system?


If we would like to merge more than two dataframes using a variable, The "how" value selection will also be based on left, right, outer or there is a different methodology?


No real questions here, its a relatively simple method but it is obvious that there can be errors if the right parameters aren't chosen.
