Все публикации

J7) Does Sample Size Matter? Pre-Post Comparison

L2) How reliable is the BinaxNOW COVID 19 Ag Card test? Sensitivity = 84.6%. Specificity = 98.5%

J6) Categorical vs Numerical Variable

L1) How to Calculate Chi-Squared and Cramer's V

D8) Probability of Normal Distribution with Sample Size

D7) Python: Interval for Normal Distribution

D6) How to Calculate the Standard Deviation of a Complicate Random Variable?

B8) Fair Game: Both Players Have the Same Expected Value

G5) Python: Binomial Test

K4) Introductory Probability Book used in Harvard

K3) How to learn Economics and Statistics at the same time?

K2) Book Review: Computational and Inferential Thinking

K1) Book Review: Introductory Statistics with Randomization and Simulation

C7) Prove that Var(X-Y)=Var(X)+Var(Y)-2Cov(X,Y)

A6) Tree Diagram: Marginal, Conditional, and Joint Probabilities

J5) Simpson’s Paradox

J4) Misleading Charts

J3) Confirmation Bias Test

J2) S&P 500: Average Return vs Standard Deviation

J1) Mean vs Median Net Worth in the US

1.10) How DataCamp works?

1.9) Why learn Python?

D5) Random Variables: Independent and Identically Distributed (i.i.d.)

9.23) Sympy: Total Differential