Wayfinder 1.0 Release — Is It Worth?

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Wayfinder 1.0 Release — Is It Worth?

This is the all-new Wayfinder, A 3 player Co-Op Action RPG. Featuring intense combat, deep customization, a huge world to explore and tons of loot to collect - for you and your house. The World of Evenor is shattered. You must harness the power of a Wayfinder to Control the Chaos that has overrun your world. Join forces with 2 other friends to strengthen your powers. Control your adventures with mutators—customization modifiers that shape your exploration of an immersive world—to collect valuable gear and loot!

Control and harness the power of a mighty Wayfinder! Wield a variety of unique abilities ranging from ebbing arcane magic and tech to lethal martial prowess, catering to your preferred playstyle. Traverse an immersive world with other Wayfinders and shape your adventures the way you want. Control what you explore and what enemies you fight to best customize how you want to play your Wayfinder.

#Drybear #DrybearARPG #Wayfinder

Music by Epidemic Sound

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Main story is higher than 40 hours. I have been playing for 3 days now and I am not done yet. Still have tons of side quest I have not touched yet. This game is a lot bigger than it appears


Put 300 hours into the initial game. Bought the founders pack for $150 and the works. Enjoyed it. Haven't played the new redo yet. The reason wayfinder went down is because digital extremes ran off. Man I was grasping on everything day to day on discord. Finally give up. Game isn't bad imo. Was a good grind game.

Talk about support. These devs are relentless.


Great game. Got several people into it. Hoping it continues to get more players. The value proposition is really high. There aren’t many $25 games that give you this much game.


the value this game brings is remarkable. the fact you can earn all cosmetics/all areas/all weapons/all character with out an MTX cash shop is what every gamer has been trying to advocate for for a long time. the only game play sacrifice done, is this is peer to peer, so alot of the social stuff for massive multi player was cut. social wise its basically like The First Dec, but with out a working social hub. if you keep your game open for people to play with you its essentially the same thing as wondering into people in the open world, being the only difference is you see a list of people, before you join.


I'm stuck on the 2 bosses so I went back to level my other unlocked hero's there is plenty to do in this game, definitely worth the money.


I jumped in at 1.0, didn't play much of EA. I like it and have had a good time with it! My only complaint is that a lot of the progression and upgrades feel like stat sticks. Not much variation in how you cuztomize character or weapon playstyles (aside from combinations of those two things). Otherwise, there's a lot of content for the game and I really appreciate what the devs did for the game. Well worth the price.


Worth $22 for sure.
Can play with buddies.
Can mod toons with plenty of layers.
Cool Boss fights.
Cool Dungeons and modifiers for them.


idk if u ever played it but it reminds me alot like a updated version of torchlight


The publisher dropping the project was the best thing that could've happened to them. Game is 100% worth it now.


its insane how drybear can play 5 different games every day enough to be good at them, and then make a video every couple hours while doing it. Either this guy has a time-turner or a talent


Bought this a few days ago. No regrets. Lots to do, crazy amount of customisation, combat feels good and each character plays different. 3-player co-op with public or friends only options. Loving the game.


does it have a character that is ranged magic caster? All the videos I see the characters are either melee or gunners.


just bought it on steam. Had a 10% discount for 8 hours on top of an already fair price of 25. I love games where you can upgrade distinctively different characters


I have a lot of hours in the game and unlocked almost everything.
It's really fun to just run around and beat monsters up and look for better echoes to upgrade your stuff.
The only thing i find annoying is sometimes in the bigger zones the performance drops or skips frames and you get killed or fall into a pit and other small bugs like enemies moonwalking when there is a huge group of them.
I heard theyre working on a performance patch though.


I absolutely love this game! The art style is so good. It reminds me of Wildstar, also a great game. The questing and the exploration is really fun lots to do. Can't recommend it enough.


It's a blast. Downloaded it today. Been playing Windgrave, and talk about a self-healing, face-tanking tank. I face tank bosses, sometimes ignoring the telegraphed attacks alltogether...and rarely go below 80% hp (if not at max most of tthe time).

Might kick the difficulty up a notch, if the rewards are better at higher levels.


Was eyeing on the game for awhile. Might be a pick up for me down the line to try but it does have lots of potential


kinda funny you said you wouldn't put a 2h on Niss. I did just that and its kinda awesome. you get big hits and jump attacks with all the dashes in the land to reposition after that also do damage. Negates the downside of a big slow weapon and is actually quite fun.


i’ve been really really enjoying this game as a player only experiencing 1.0. i feel like this game will be slept on but what i at least hope is that enough people buy this game and within a timeframe where it could justify a sequel that could get a true attempt at being an mmo. as a single player co oop game i’ve been loving it. i hope it gets the recognition it deserves.


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