Jurassic Park Characters: Book vs Film

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This video goes over the differences of the characters between the Jurassic Park Film and the novel it's based upon. You will be surprised at how different some of our most beloved characters were.

I hope you all enjoy!
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In the novel, Dr. Grant likes kids because they get more excited about dinosaurs than adults, and i think that's pretty wholesome.


It is important to point out that in the book Nedry's plan is to return to the Command Room in 10 minutes and fix everything. So, after all, he had no intention of fucking up the park or running away.


Movie Hammond: Spared no expenses.

Book Hammond: Spared all the expenses he could find.


When book Hammond is told that his own grandchildren are missing in the park (and possibly dead), his reaction is basically the "Yes, very sad. Anyway..." Loki meme.


One of my favorite scenes in the book is when Ellie is running from the raptors. In the movie she is (quite reasonably) freaking out, but in the book, it's stated that she couldn't be scared. Couldn't. In fact, she felt giddy and excited, almost like it's a game, one she intended to win.


We all owe Jeff Goldblum a lot for actually making Ian Malcolm something more than Crichton's mouthpiece.


Considering Lex hit her head when the car was being picked up and shaken in the books, she was even knocked unconscious, I assumed she had a concussion, coupled with her age and the inherent trauma of the situation, that's why she was acting weird/confused, repeating herself often, and regressing a bit, saying "aminals" instead of animals, asking if her parents were on the island etc.


As I said so many times before, I simply love Muldoon and Gennaro.
And Muldoon just casually picking up Ed Regis leg and putting it into a "blanket" then giving it to Gennaro was one scene I can't forget. Also Ed Regis pissing himself before running away, can't forget that one.


Also funnily enough, John Hammond's novel personality is actually shown more in the Jurassic Park game when Dr Sorkins was angrily ranting about how Hammond ran the park and how Wu was the one who made his dinosaurs with frog dna and whatnot which led to the events of Jurassic Park instead of making them with the complete DNA. Dr Sorkins definitely had a lot of flaws but she was very much right on her views on Hammond, InGen and Wu.


In the novel it also notes that the only reason people grew suspicious about the compy Tina drew being a dinosaur was that a janitor walked by and noted that the drawing looked like a dinosaur because she had kids, and then they actually compared it and sent it to Ellie and Allen


The Jurassic Park novel is basically a sci fi horror. Love it.

Hammond is a straight up comic book villain in the novel.

Wu’s death in the novel was down right horrifying in the book, came out of nowhere.


Malcolm was taken to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead. Later he was taken to a better hospital where doctors upgraded his condition to alive


To be fair to Wu: He also wanted to advance to a modified version of the dinosaurs because he thought that the current iteration was too unpredictable and posed a safety risk. He just considered them being truer to peoples expectations a bonus. Hammond on the other hand wanted to keep the dinosaurs as close to the original as possible because he thought just having them was already sufficient and moving on to a new version would be a waste of money, plus he liked the idea of offering the real deal and not a knock-off.


I'll admit, I prefer the film version of Hammond because I honestly find it more interesting for a genuinely good natured character like him do something that he genuinely believed will bring wonder, only for it to come crumbling down. When you get those moments like the dinner scene or when he's alone eating ice cream, you feel sorry for him but know that he didn't understand what he was dealing with.


I would love a TV Series that would follow the novels more accurately, much more horror based


The fact that all the characters in Jurassic Park have different personalities in two different things is like a parallel universe


Completely agree people are way too harsh on book Lex. It happens in everything that shows small children acting like small children. There are always people complaining 'the kid character is so annoying, they are so dumb.' Its like... Yes because small children can be pretty annoying. You have to teach them everything because they are a frickin kid with brains that are still developing. They dont know shit yet. That's why one of the biggest lessons people learn from becoming parents is usually patience.


Excellent as always. I am currently re-reading the novels. And you are spot on about Lex. She is a little kid. She would be absolutely terrified and get them in danger. Because she is a kid.


When I got to know to the part of the 2th novel, where they reveal that Genneraro died after the Jurassic Park incident, I felt bad for him. He was a way better character then in the film.


next jurassic park video should be the differences between the dinosaurs in the movie and novel
