AI Ruined My Year

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Rob's Reading List:



Community, various screenshots
The Simpsons
Sneakers (1992)

Thanks to Rational Animations for the train sequence!

With enormous thanks to my wonderful patrons:
- Tor Barstad
- Timothy Lillicrap
- Juan Benet
- Sarah Howell
- Kieryn
- Mazianni
- Scott Worley
- Jason Hise
- Clemens Arbesser
- Francisco Tolmasky
- David Reid
- Andrew Blackledge
- Cam MacFarlane
- Olivier Coutu
- CaptObvious
- Ze Shen Chin
- ikke89
- Isaac
- Erik de Bruijn
- Jeroen De Dauw
- Ludwig Schubert
- Eric James
- Owen Campbell-Moore
- Raf Jakubanis
- Esa Koskinen
- Nathan Metzger
- Jonatan R
- Gunnar
- Laura Olds
- Paul Hobbs
- Bastiaan Cnossen
- Eric Scammell
- Alexare
- Reslav Hollós
- Jérôme Beaulieu
- Nathan Fish
- Taras Bobrovytsky
- Jeremy
- Vaskó Richárd
- Andrew Harcourt
- Chris Beacham
- Zachary Gidwitz
- Art Code Outdoors
- Abigail Novick
- Edmund Fokschaner
- DragonSheep
- Richard Newcombe
- Joshua Michel
- Richard
- ttw
- Sophia Michelle Andren
- Alan J. Etchings
- James Vera
- Stumbleboots
- Peter Lillian
- Grimrukh
- Colin Ricardo
- DN
- Mr Cats
- Robert Paul Schwin
- Roland G. McIntosh
- Benjamin Mock
- Emiliano Hodges
- Maxim Kuzmich
- Joanny Raby
- Tom Miller
- Eran Glicksman
- CheeseBerry
- Hoyskedotte
- Alexey Malafeev
- Jeff Starr
- Justin
- Liviu Macovei
- Javier Soto
- David Christal
- Jam
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- Sebastian Zimmer
- Matt Thompson
- Xan Atkinson
- Andy
- Albert Higgins
- Alexander230
- Clay Upton
- Alex Ander
- Carolyn
- Nathan Rogowski
- David Morgan
- little Bang
- Chad M Jones
- Dmitri Afanasjev
- Christian Oehne
- Marcel Ward
- Andrew Weir
- Miłosz Wierzbicki
- Tendayi Mawushe
- Kees
- loopuleasa
- Marco Tiraboschi
- Fraser Cain
- Patrick Henderson
- Daniel Munter
- Ian
- James Fowkes
- Len
- Yuchong Li
- Diagon
- Puffjanga
- Daniel Eickhardt
- 14zRobot
- Stuart Alldritt
- DeepFriedJif
- Garrett Maring
- Stellated Hexahedron
- Jim Renney
- Edison Franklin
- Piers Calderwood
- Matt Brauer
- Mihaly Barasz
- Rajeen Nabid
- Iestyn bleasdale-shepherd
- Marek Belski
- Luke Peterson
- Eric Rogstad
- Max Chiswick
- slindenau
- Nicholas Turner
- Jannis Funk
- This person's name is too hard to pronounce
- Jon Wright
- Andrei Trifonov
- Bren Ehnebuske
- Martin Frassek
- Matthew Shinkle
- Robby Gottesman
- Ohelig
- Sarah
- Nikola Tasev
- Tapio Kortesaari
- Soroush Pour
- Boris Badinoff
- DangerCat
- Jack Phelps
- Kyle Green
- Lexi X
- John Slape
- Joel Gardner
- Christopher Creutzig
- Johann Puzik
- Pindex
- Andrew Edstrom
Рекомендации по теме

"Man Who Thought He'd Lost All Hope Loses Last Additional Bit Of Hope He Didn't Even Know He Still Had" LOL


7:00 GPT-4 did not score 90th percentile on the bar exam. That figure is in relation to test-takers who already failed the bar at least once, and would be 48th percentile compared to the general population. GPT-4 was also not graded by people with training scoring bar exams.

For further info and methodological criticism, refer to Eric Martínez' paper "Re-evaluating GPT-4's bar exam performance" in AI and Law.


"Who the hell am I?" Well, you're a person with good reasoning skills who isn't tied to a corporate profit motive, who knows the topic very well, and who has been actively communicating about it for years! It can be intimidating being the subject matter expert for a really important topic, and it can weigh heavily on your shoulders, but you feel that weight because you _care_ . And what we need more than anything else is rational thinkers who have years of study in the topic who don't have a profit motive and who care. And you _won't_ get it right 100% of the time. But you've got the highest proficiency in this area in the current party, and so are more likely to roll above the DC than most others in this world! ❤


The horrible feeling of "Are you saying that _I_ am the most qualified person for the task? Are you saying that everyone else is even worse than I am?!".
It is dreadful when the task in question is mundane. Its hard to comprehend when the implications of the said task is possibility of an extinction event.

For what its worth, I think you are as qualified for this task as anyone can be in our circumstances. Go save the world! We are rooting for you! No pressure...

Seriously though, looking at multiple comments where people are saying that they started doing AI safety as a career thanks to you shows that you ARE a right person for the job.


"maybe I can hide my misunderstanding of moral philosophy behind my misunderstanding of physics" lmao


Suffering from "fringe researcher in a Hollywood disaster movie" syndrome.


LLMs are particularly good at telling lies because that's how we train them. The RLHF step isn't gauged against truth, it's gauged against "can you convince this person to approve your response". Sometimes that involves being correct, sometimes it involves sycophancy, sometimes it involves outright falsehood - but it needs to convince a human evaluator before it can move from dev to production. The "AI could talk it's way out of confinement" scenario has moved from a toy scenario that no one took seriously to standard operating procedure and no one even noticed.


I’m glad people are finally taking this shit seriously. As an artist it’s been incredibly frustrating because we’ve been losing our jobs and trying to tell people “ai will come for you next and it’s dangerous” but it feels like people haven’t been listening because they still don’t consider art a real job


Just remember, Rob, Y2K was mocked as the disaster that didn’t happen. But it didn’t happen because a lot of people realized how big of a deal it was and fixed it before the end of 1999. I really hope we are able to do the same thing with AI safety!


I noticed, obviously when your fav ai safety channel disappears right when suddenly ai safety seems the most important thing xD


"The cat thinks that it is in the Box, since that it is where it is."
"The Box and the Basket think nothing because they are not sentient." Wow. That is some reasoning.


First, the cat joke. Then the “depends on autism” Overton window joke. Glad to have you back! - Signed “a guy who is happy to ignore (ok, doesn’t even see) the Overton window”


Noita death noise made this even more terrifying than it already was


God, it’s like looking in a goddamn mirror. I switch between “near” and “far” mode on a daily basis. If I stay in near mode I’ll be committed to an insane asylum in a week or so.


I started watching your videos years ago, and you're the person I trust the most with these questions. I absolutely noticed you disappeared. This is not some parasocial BS, just the truth. You should post as much as you want, but know that your voice is wanted and needed now.


The problem with fixing AI alignment problem is that we are already dealing with Government and Corporate alignment problems...
And those Governments and Corporations are accelerating the integration of AI into their internal structures.


Hey Rob! I just wanted you to know that I've been watching your videos for several years (all the way back to the stop button problem). This year you inspired me to apply to MATS to finally get involved in AI safety research directly, to which I've now been accepted! Thanks for making these videos over the years, you've definitely influenced at least one more mind to work on solving these extremely important problems.


"Sh*t's getting real"
> Noita death sound is playing.

Yeah, I feel you


It's good to see you back Robert. This video confirms what I've been seeing in the field too: Things are changing, drastically. Even those who were much more reserved about how AI will change our lives seem to have changed their points of views. By that I mean if you compare how "The Future of AI" was being talked about just a mere 1.5 years ago vs. today is drastically different among the scientists who know the field. I am not saying this to take a stab at the community, I think it is honorable to adapt the the landscape as it changes without our control. It just signals that AI (and its safety) is actually way more important than what has been portrayed to the public in the past couple of decades. We need to talk more about it and we need to underestimate it much less.


35:14 "OpenAI's super alignment team (that was dissolved) seems promising and deserves its own video" - combined with the horn blow - combined with the visual stimulus ("nevermind") - made understanding the spoken words difficult to understand. Thankfully, closed captioning was available.
