How to Choose Great Friends

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None of us, including entrepreneurs, can make it without friends. Here are some tips on how to choose great friends.

Friendships go through 3 phases - 1:21

Phase 1: Ages 12-18: Acceptance and Innocence - 1:25

Phase 2: Ages 19-29: Experiment - Mistakes - Finding Yourself - 1:40

Phase 3: Age 30+: Clarity - 1:54

The Evolution of Friendship - 3:21

Three Types of People that Benefit Us - 5:33

Benefits of Hanging Around People Above You - 5:55

Benefits of Hanging Around People the Same Level as You - 8:41

Benefits of Hanging Around People Below you - 9:14

How to Pick and Choose Friends - 10:06

#1: Raise Your Standards - 11:46

Be Selective - 12:06

Find a Friend Who Celebrates Your Victories - 13:52

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Great video. People talk about disliking "fair-weather friends" who only want to know you when you're doing OK but personally I also avoid "foul-weather friends", who enjoy pitying you when things are bad but then go off you when you start to do well.


You are one of my favorite human beings. Word.


I always had a difficult time being friends with the "cool" guys at school.
I always gravitated towards those that worked hard, trained hard, played as their life depends on it, and always prioritized competition over pleasing everybody else.
As a result, most of my friends are either somebody today or work hard towards getting there.
I am proud to have found this video. Such powerful reminders.

I wish we had a class in school that taught us life lessons like this one.
One can only hope.
Thank you Pat and Valuetainment Team.


1.) Choose the People above you. (People who you want to become)
(Raise Standards)
2.) Be Selective. Choose large samples of friends at first then filter the sample and stay with the important friend.
3.) Go with the common goal and common interests.
4.) Take friends that celebrates with you.
4.) Never let them go.


Choosing your social friends is important for growth. Choosing your friends for success is also important.


I loved that! My youth group is in the “What it means to be a friend” phase, and I’m supposed to be teaching them tomorrow night. I thought that I’d go with the most basic foundation of friendship, which is, how to choose your friends. And I’ve gotta say, hearing your interpretation of this topic has been extremely helpful. I especially loved the part about having the same values. Because at the end of the day, not EVERYONE is going to agree with what you believe in; but having those around you who can disagree.. and maybe even STRONGLY disagree with you - but are, at the same time, able to RESPECT your opinion and move on on good terms in the relationship, is something that is rare and that should be valued and held onto.
So thank you again for your perspective on this topic! It helped me, and I know it’ll help them😊


Now it makes sense why I no longer connect with my high school friends: change! I also believe we rarely meet loyal friends because there are not too many people with values. Backstabbing and jealousy are learned depending on how you are raised. Informative video!


Any young entrepreneur here? Let's be friends.


Patrick great video. You are so right I'm 33 years old and just went full time in my business and I had to cut off a lot of childhood friends. There are just so many things that I still want to achieve and they were happy just with getting a degree and keeping a job and working for some big corporation. Nothing wrong with that, but I didn't want to stop. I want to retire my parents. My parents left Colombia and left there family behind for my siblings and I. How could I ever stop growing, I have to give my life all my efforts so that my parents didn't sacrifice all they did for me to just have a job and live a mediocre life. My parents never saw there families again for many many years just so we could have a good life. Very powerful video about the hard choices in life that need to be made in order to achieve the level of life we want.


i'm living in Iran and i'm 22 and now i'm living in dormitory but i don't have any friends .. we separated from each other exactly when we have changed.. but people around me are so different... they are sleeping, they are just killing time.all of them.i prefer to go out alone and walk rather than be with them even i don't like to talk with them. i wish i could find just one person who is like me . but thanks i have learned many thing from you.i wish i had a friend like you:)


Not going to lie, this is one of my favorite videos from Pat ever. This is quite literally a story of upward mobility and knowing that its possible.


This is DEEP!! "Theres a season for a reason"


what you just talked about is so true about friends, i don't even talk to any of my friends from the pass because they bring you down and don't motivate you. now i only surround myself with people that want to improve in life, i even moved up in a company when i stopped hanging out with sentient friends.


Good points... "Education must be considered as most important; for as diseases in the world of bodies are extremely contagious, so, in the same way, qualities of spirit and heart are extremely contagious." – Baha'i Faith


A friend once told me to surround myself with people who where you want to be 10 years from now. That was great advice.


Patric the channel is helping me with my goal to become an successful entrepreneur i think the info you have given is essential.
I give you a personal thankyou you have helped me get in track with my progress towards becoming a successful entrepreneur.I am a 19 years old boy that lives in Albania and have watched your videos i have taken notes i truly belive that this is a great content because it makes sense to me.Thankyou.


I am living this. Just turned 30 and business exploding. Feeling clarity.


Hey Pat, your videos is spot on. I had the exact same thing happen to me when I was around 28-29, seeing friends and family getting married with kids etc. It started to mess with my head and started to question where I want to be in life.
As for befriending people. If I see someone below me I try to help them and lift them to my standards (way of thinking). And people that are above me that I try to befriend are 50-50. Some will accept my faults and try teachers me in becoming better in my field etc. And others will knock you down for being below them. Those are the people I would avoid.


Dude you must have a team of people coming up with video ideas. For a YouTube learning addict this channel is a gold mine


Valuetainment is the modern varsity... And Patrick is the Professor.
