Choose Your Friends Wisely: Christian Advice on the Importance of Friendships

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The Bible says a lot about choosing your friends wisely. But why are friendships so important? What impact do the people around us have on our lives?

BOOKS and BIBLE STUDIES, by Mark Ballenger:

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Mark, I do not believe in coincidences...God is in control of all things. I say this because it's as if God had you post this exactly when I need to hear it. Mind you, it's not the first time this happens. So, with that said, I will take heed to your words and be careful. Thank you Mark...God bless!


Agreed! Spend time with those who uplift and encouraging to your success but I still think Jesus wants us to love those imperfect and messed up people just as much Jesus did not dislike or exclude and group of people. That being said. Choose your friends carefully.


I really need this advice!! For longest time I been around negative surroundings and sinners. I need to be focus on God!! I have to let go of people!! But I’m so lonely sometimes as far friends and family and etc. I’m turning my life back to Jesus!! God’s will be done!


Great advice...
Thank you!
By joining a Church I, have been introduced to mature healthy people. Very thankful.


My dear daughter, saved two little girls from drowning. She swarm at a drop and as the little girls held on to each other underwater...She pushed them to a sand bar with much work and near drowning for all. Her son, was standing on the beach where the drop was and caught each little girl...No one knew about this or does she brag about it. Than after that she lived in a complex where the house next door (made into apartments) caught on fire. She ran in and banged on the doors for people to get out....No one knows about this nor was she a bragget about it...I consider her one of my best friends!!!


So true. I let go of toxic friendships recently. They did not care how they treated me. They didn’t value my time, manipulated me and took advantage of me. Abusing me verbally was the last straw. On top of that they wouldn’t apologize because that’s who they are. I knew they were dragging me down. So now this has made me closer to the Lord and made me aware to choose friends that are of good character. Even if I knew them 20 years people change and become selfish.


Thank you Mark. I love your ministry and am blessed by it 'big-time.' Love and blessings from London England.


Thank you for videos! I agree with you.For the foolish/ bad friendship that I let go, may God bring peace & closure. I am thankful for 2 Christian friendships in my life and pray God to grow them as I spend more time with the right people with better virtues. 😊🙏


True, i am learning more and more on how to choose my friends wisely. I also had to get out of a toxic friendship, it was challenging but just need time to heal from it.


Show me your friends and show me your future. Thays a saying ive always lived by . Who we are and the people we are around, people are either making us better or not. As a Christian, we need that much mkre orayer and discernment.


Awesome video. So true Mark. Thank you for your Godly Wisdom Brother. Love watching you!💒


I really need advice... for the longest time I have been going on with having no friends, I don't drink and smoke but everyone around me does. I always get left out cuz I have 0 people to talk or hangout with besides my boyfriend. I'm very grateful for him but I'm having a hard time not getting jealous when he hangs out with others. I just want a friend that can value my time :/. People never come up to me either, I always go up to them (I'm a girl ) I'm doing my best to stay positive but no matter what I always get down on my myself and think something is wrong with me


Thank you brother for all the helpful videos you have provided us all. All glory to Jesus Christ for the work he has done through you. God bless


I love this video and especially that you mentioned how Jesus was able to love so well without being persuaded because of his absence of sin. I can forget this and think what would Jesus do? Without remembering that bad company still corrupts good morals to this day!🔥

Thank you for sharing!! This helped me to see that although we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, and are nothing without love, that I can choose to love from afar, and be more selective of who I spend my time with👏🏾

I also want to encourage anyone who feels alone, or like they cannot break away from the group they are in: To seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you, including the desires of your heart and the friendships God has ordained for you. Whether you are alone or feel alone, God sees you and he cares even about the trees and the birds, are you not more significant to God than they? The Lord will provide and He is faithful. Continue to trust in Him, and let him be your everything❤️You won’t regret it.

Also, don’t be afraid to ask God questions and to pray for the ears to hear Him. God still speaks! And His answers for you will be perfect for you and you will know if they are from him because it will be exactly what you need to hear and there will be no confusion about it.💛Keep praying!🤗


Thanks Mark. Your videos are amazing. You've helped me out quite a bit for months now. Keep up the good work.


Hi Mark, thanks for uploading another great video. I'm wondering if you're really going to do the Q & A video with Bethany, I commented on your post and asked you a question I'd love to see answered, it would mean a lot to me. Thank you!


My assistant manager gets treated very poorly by her boss, who was her friend and hired her to be another assistant manager in the first place. She also knew before hiring her that she had medical issues ahead of time. My manager spreads gossip about how much she hates her and wants her fired and how bad of a worker she is to the other employees to the point that they all hate her now and treat her terribly too. I did too for a little bit, until i took a step back and realized I was going along with the crowd and I realized how unchristian it is to spread gossip about people, and how they were friends before working together, and are both Christians. Today I was sticking up for her, and my manager heard me and started yelling at me in her office for sticking up for her, and said she would fire anyone that sticks up for her. She apologized after, but it still stings that she would yell at me for basically not seeing things from her point of view. How should a situation like this be handled?


I’m just confused, because I thought we are supposed to be friends with everyone in order to spread the gospel??


I actually have kind of bad friends and i only have one good friend. and my good friend has autism and my kind of good and bad friends are pretty mean to him sometimes it just feels complicated to choose one of my bad friends I've known since a long time and a good friend who has autism since along time... I don't know what to do it's to hard to explain my friendship and my good friend who has autism is a christian just like me I don't know what to do.


Question if you don't like someone or don't what to friends with them and god forces you to be friends to be friends what is the method in that?

Such things God is forcing me to hang out with someone with a very dull personality and is very ordinary where is the method in this?
