I made a big mistake at work 😳 😡

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What should you do when you make a big mistake at work? #mistakeshappen #corporatelife #careerhelp

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I supervise young adults who are all current college students. We handle high ticket items all day every day for THEE tech company, you know the one.🍏 So, any mistake feels like a huge one. When I hire them, I say, “If nobody died, we can fix it, but you have to tell me as soon as you realize you messed up.” Then I like to share with them some of my worst mistakes. 😂


I made a mistake at work and feeling terrible. My teammates must be thinking I am fool and laughing at me.. nobody is talking to me. I don't know how to cope up this situation and face my colleagues again


In my case I’m not afraid of hurting anyone but making myself look stupid instead. Like I “should know” how to do that correctly, but no one is perfect, especially when you’re learning something new or something you don’t do often.


Looking for consolation and came across the video. Recently I was training on a new platform and leaked information that can potentially cost the business millions (yes multiple millions) of dollars. I have anxiety, depression, shame, and guilt like I’ve never had before. I think my team is handling it the best they can. Although not completely my fault because I was unaware of what I was even doing, it has halted growth in my career with this company and I cant stand the thought of everyone on my team thinking I’m stupid because the thing I did is so horrible. I’m currently looking for a new job and just laying low until I can get out. Seriously no one warned me for how emotional and stressful corporate life can be. Seriously has me thinking of make a huge life change. Maybe corporate just isn’t for me.


My biggest mistake at work was when I told someone sensitive information about a fellow coworker. I didn't even think twice about it because we were so close, next thing I know HR is kicking me out the door.

Looking back on it, I always think, "what was I thinking?" (hint: I wasn't). I didn't realize how unprofessional I was being until it was too late.

Lesson learned! Now I can move on.


Got into a HUGE argument with my boss because someone at the company lost client personal information on a job (SSN, banking details etc.) It elevated to him screaming and me crying like a child because we were both so enraged. I was tasked with notifying the client and I felt his was his responsibility and thus it got out of hand. 2 weeks later they laid me off and the company almost filed for bankruptcy shortly after. Idk what ever happened with the client or how it affected them.


This thought terrifies me because in my A big mistake would likely mean someone got SERIOUSLY injured. And that isn't exactly something you can get past quickly.


I made a mistakes on my third day of my new job 😢. I feel like shit


I was a forklift operator. First day I sheared off the cover for a power panel. I've also almost tipped over several times


completely dropped the ball with a caterer minutes before an event! we had completely miscommunicatdd & there was no food ready. boss had to stop by the grocery store to grab food instead.


I work in a salon and gave people the wrong order twice. I don't get it I be trying so hard not to mess up and it happens anyway. I be like okay let me stop assuming things and pay attention to what I'm doing. Then I fuck around and do it again🤦‍♀️. I guess Imma keep messing up until I get it right


I once called 911 while working retail, because a customer didn't have a cellphone and my manager told me to call corporate for them about a credit card issue from the phone beneath the register. To call out you had to type *91 - corporate's number started with 1-800. So they answered as 911, and I didn't know what to do, so I just hung up and then called again without the extra 1. Needless to say police and firetrucks showed up at the store.


I made a big mistake once 1 months or before that at a job I currently work at, it’s one of those “why did I do that” kind of thing


I just realized that now I have an answer to a time I failed now


I reported sick continuously because my frn encouraged me to do so...well she didn't get scolding from the office while reporting sick but I had to visit my office and got warnings...never listen to ur friend no matter how close they r to u


This just happened today and God, I feel so stupid. Especially since I made a small error last week. I work for a background check agency and back in May, I thought this search was for a workers comp. Well, one of the higher ups questioned why she couldn't find this search when the billing came. So I looked into it and it turned out to be a civil search. I'm having so much anxiety and now I'm worried I'll be fired.


One time I messed up the crab cakes at work. The whole batch. Gone. We 86'd crab cakes for that night.


Its really small, but I was a server at a luxurious restaurant and one night I forgot the keys to the storage and PANICKED. I was new and already was treated like dirt. Thought I was for sure gonna lose the job. Didn’t tho!


Not even a month on the job and hours after submitting a grievance letter due to rude behaviors director towards me for my team. I took a cash return without checking to see how much we already had in the register which left the store short money for the day which is a big no no. Already being retaliated against by having my hours decreased this might now give them a reason to fire me.


I missed out a lot of invoices resulting my department to lose 11k. Suffering the anxiety now
