ACL Rehab: Knee Extensions For Home

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Unless you have a home gym, chances are the lower limb exercises that you're doing right now during isolation are compound exercises such as Squats, Lunges, RDLs etc.

As good as these exercises are - don't overlook isolation exercises during isolation (pun intended) 🤣

Knee extensions are an integral component to a comprehensive ACL rehab plan and can be easily performed at home.

Note: The load lifted and ROM performed needs to be considered in those less than 3 months post-op ACLR - so consult with your Physiotherapist first before beginning this exercise unsupervised.

If you don't have a small child lying around your house as per option #1, use some resistance band and tie to the back leg of a study (as per option 2).

In regards to load, sets and reps; this needs be determined by your Physiotherapist and the stage of rehab you're in 👍

If you're interested in more at-home exercise options to play around with over the next few weeks, then stay tuned!

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