Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Review - 1 Month Later

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#samsung #galaxys23ultra #review
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I simply love Samsung’s design over my iPhone, but I’m so used to iOS


To get rid of shutter lag, use the camera assistant to switch the shutter to take a photo as you touch the shutter. Default is photo is taken when you remove finger from shutter.


I know this shouldn't matter but finally a NY-er does a camera review with this phone.. I'm someone who lives in the City and I love photos of the city and areas surrounding it. Thank you sir for showing me how those photos would turn out and the awesome review. Glad you have been enjoying this so far.


What's good Soldier. Been a sub for years and I'm glad your still reviewing!


Another tips (like moon photo 100x zoo or other😊😊.)....take 3 dots....choose remaster will fix here and there


Upgraded to this from an S8+. A phenomenal device.


Good to see you man after a decade...keep it up you are not old mate...still rocking as before


Been a subscriber since I was in high school, and the loss of Gadget messed me up. I hope you were able to say goodbye. She will live forever in our hearts and in sticker form. Keep up the great tech videos. Thanks for always helping me make educated decisions when purchasing new tech.


RIP gadget :( man soldier I been watching you since i've been in highschool i'm now turning 28 in August. Where does time go?? I'll forever be a fan and follower for life.


it was hard for me to decide which one is worth to buy, either s23 ultra or 14 pro max, so i bought both 😬


LOVE the way you show off the UI in this video, super creative and clean video bro!


The time u plugged in the Razor Kishi has made me realized why Apple was so insistent to keep the lightning port.. cuz i think when u accidentally break the controller.. its not the port that wud take the damage too.. but its only the tip of ur lightning port..


Love the video of the S10+ playing on it. The Galaxy S10+ ceramic 1TB version was the last great phone Samsung made in my opinion. Still had the headphone jack. Still had the MicroSD card. Tons of storage. Downhill since. 😢


I sold just my 13 Pro Max, so happy to made the switch


I Have iPhone 13 Mini And I’m Bored Of Apple… I Have Money To Upgrade To Samsung S22 But S23 Is Also An Option I Need An Suggestion To Buy One Please Help Me To Decided My Only Concerns Are Camera And Security That’s All Because I’m Not In Apple Ecosystem I Have Only iPhone No Other Product Not Even AirPods Or iMessage The Only Thing Is iCloud Backups That’s All… I Started Using iPhone From 4s->5s->6s->8->13 Mini On And Off Because Used Many Android In Between Every iPhone Because I Get Bored Again And Again Used Oppo, LG(My Favourite), Redmi, Realme, Samsung(S Series And Note Series), Vivo, Honor, Etc…


Glad to see phones are still improving, just wish prices would go down lol guess I'll stick to my note 20 ultra for another year!


My S21 Plus just randomly had the screen die on me last week so I picked this one up today. I'm old, don't need the latest tech but Verizon gave me $1, 000 off loyalty promotion. Figured why the hell not! I do like how the fingerprint biometrics work a lot better now. My S21 would take several attempts to unlock. Good phone but I thought my S21 was too. This has the added feature of a working screen so I'm leaning more towards the S23 Ultra!


Is the S23 ultra's low PWM an issue for night usage?


Can you believe i traded my 14 pro for the s23u. And i love it dude


The … let’s call it “Moon-Discussion” is also what made me think about the AI Improvements of Photos. The Moon is a not so harmful example in that regard, I’m thinking about if you take a picture of a person, which is blurry and you end up with a deep-fake kinda thing, you know what i mean?

Like you take a picture of a robber for example, the person running when she see’s you point with a smartphone on her. That can lead to interesting questions? Like, are photo-evidences still relevant? If you take a picture of the robber, on court the robber could ALWAYS pull out the “Moon-Discussion” and say: “Hey, that phone photoshopped me in there!”

I mean, the discussion about the drift away from reality when it comes to photos came anyway to the conclusion that you can’t trust pictures anymore, since photoshop came up. You want to copy that balcony of one building to another building, adjust the light fall and boom: You have your Sowjet-like copy pasta city with western style buildings that doesn’t exist in reality not even in Russia! You want bigger abs, 6-pack or even 10-pack… just a little play with shadow and light and boom there you have it.

But the difference here is: A Human does that, a human wants that. This is the part of AI Functions that do stuff on their own and people don’t like to be not in control. And that’s part of the problem i guess. Give the People the control about the AI functions, not to dumb turn them off and on. Just to fine tune them, like accepting picture improvement, not complete replacements. Others like me, would prefer a clear picture of the moon, if i would have the choice
