Flying to Catalina Island? DO YOUR HOMEWORK

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Flew my wife-to-be on our first date to Catalina in 1975. We had Buffalo burgers at the sky restaurant which looked just like the picture in the video. We married 6 months later, had two children and nine grandchildren. The romance lasted for 46 years until she passed from cancer. Catalina was the start of a wonderful life!


My favorite destination. Sometimes I schedule a plane, grab my laptop, and pop over to eat lunch and finish up work on the patio.


As a new commercial pilot I flew a romantic couple there in 1982. The guy planned to propose to his very pregnant GF.. I warned him the airport closed at sundown so we had to be in the plane no later than 5:55.

At 5:45, he was still pacing around the parking area trying to build up his nerve to pop the question. To give him some encouragement, I said I was leaving at the appointed time whether they were aboard or not. I started the plane, leaving the canopy open for them and notified the tower of my intentions. I saw the guy get on one knee and slip the ring on her finger.

At 5:57 he and the girl scrambled aboard, belted in, and I took the runway. Just as we took off, the tower declared the airport closed. Whew!


This should be the standard for all aviation videos across Youtube. Educational, adventurous, and absolutely beautiful! Incredibly well done!


very early in dating my now wife I asked her if she wanted to fly over to catalina on new year's with my father and mother. dad had a 172 and off we went. mom passed years ago and my dad sold the plane in his 80's, (he just turned 95) but we have a wonderful picture of my now wife and I and with the 172 in the background at Catalina. Fantastic video.


30+ years ago they'd have an all you can eat bbq at the airport for 20 bucks. Best dinner ever! Been to AVX 35+ times.. miss it.


Great coverage on Catalina procedures Josh. I don't know how many times I've been right downwind for runway 22, with a whole conga line of planes following the correct pattern, and hear some guy call out that he's straight in for 22. Usually someone in the pattern calls him out, but it rarely makes a difference. We all just get to extend our downwind to let him cut in. You showed how it's really done right. Thanks!


FYI, most locals are taught to fly to the "isthmus" or the Two Harbors, which you point out in the video, as the primary starting point of the approach. From there, you can go direct to the airport and it establishes you on the 45 to the downwind. Your path at @11:11 shown on the map shows you almost doing that, you're slightly east of that reporting point. Great video!


I got my Catalina Checkout with an excellent instructor, and friend, in 1993. I've made dozens of flights there, and I loved every one of them! When we flew there on the check-out flight, and we registered and paid our landing fee, my instructor told the airport manager that we were going to do some pattern practice, do some takeoffs and landings, so I would get plenty of practice with landing Catalina; we asked if we should pay in advance for each landing. The manager smiled, said "no, just pay for one; we support safety, practicing this is a good thing." He then gave me frameable "Certificate of Landing Catalina" with my name, the "N" Number of the plane, to commemorate the occasion. My friend/instructor, and I then had a great lunch and I bought a Catalina Hat as a souvenir, at the airport gift shop.
Don't worry about calories when you eat at the cafe or in Avalon; Just Have Fun and Be Safe!!


I flew there for a date with my wife a few years ago in a Robinson R44 from San Diego. The process/approach of getting and landing to Catalina is way easier in a helicopter, there's a grass patch off the side of the runway for helicopters and it's a super easy direct approach. Got buffalo burgers at the airport too. Commenting before finishing the video so apologies if you cover this, but the landing fees at Catalina can be filed as donations when you do taxes since it's an environmental preserve.


I've landed at Catalina a few times. The first time I went there was with an instructor and we landed on runway 22. I remember being on the base leg and looking out the window and it felt like we were way too high because we were 2000 feet above the water. We were only 400 feet higher than the runway. That was my first time landing on an airport on top of a mountain like that and I was not used to the fast rising terrain. It helps to pay extra close attention to the altimeter, and the field elevation when landing at Catalina.


Excellent tip about the manual-inflation vests. Auto-inflate can trap you in the plane if it's sinking and filling with water. I personally also feel more comfortable with a raft on board. That water's cold. I don't much want to float immersed even for a short time. One other tip about Catalina: it doesn't have a conventional VASI/PAPI. It has a rare flashing-light system. Worth reading up on that thing to help stay on glide path for that runway, since the sight picture is unusual to say the least.


I relate a lot to Josh. It gives me a sense of peace and confidence- the way he flies and how safe and responsible he is. It all makes me want to be the same way. I can't wait to finish my PPL and take my girlfriend up to fly. And maybe even make video(s) about it. And I hope that she'll enjoy our flights the same way Josh and his wife do.


I had a feeling it was going to be the airports hours of operation! In 2007 a buddy and I flew out to the island for the day. The shuttle bus was delayed picking us up from Avalon because wildfires had started on the road back to the airport. By the time we got to the airport, it was after normal hours of operation and the sun had set. All the planes were taking off anyway and it was a great experience. It was my leg to fly and we followed a trail of lights in the sky From AVX back to the coast and over LAX. Thanks for making this video!


3:35 Torrance’s got a great little museum, it’s a nice destination for a 1 to 2 hour flight. Do the museum, get a burger, and homeward bound again!


You may want some light drysuits in the plane because that water can be cold enough that you only last an hour or two. It's only a 48km span so you can fly around 10k feet and have altitude to glide to the shortest shore but still. Drysuit seems prudent. And getting an LSA instead of a cessna can cut your costs down by a factor 5 like I have mentioned. I was offered a Carbon Design FM250 Vampire factory new for 83700€, analog gauges but a Garmin G3x is only around 3k for LSAs afaik. And LSAs can be IFR equipped. It came with a parachute as well.


I love your videos!! I am so proud of you and your wife. you are such a great example of a perfect pilot. I have been watching your videos for years have seen you grow not only as a content creator but as a person and a pilot. I am 15 years old and you have inspired me to start my training and I keep in mind all of the information you share in your videos and use you as an example all the time. love your videos, and i always learn something great from you. But I am so proud of you and your wife and thank you for putting all the effort into your content. keep up all the great work!!


My first time ever flying with my father in-law in a beechcraft v35 bonanza. He has flown there many times in the past, he made it look so easy. He told me that he took off in the fog once, he taxied the runway first to make sure it was clear of any animals ( mainly buffalo). Took off, no problem!


Catalina, in all the World, no place like it! This is my favorite place to fly into. Next time you go be sure to take the Airport Loop hike. It is an amazing 2 mile hike around and below the airport. Check out the wildlife, flora, and a bit of history. You can also camp in the airport with your plane for a very moderate overnight fee. Nothing like sitting on the numbers after hours and watching the stars. Can’t say enough amazing things about this island and the wonderful people who live and work here. Keep up the great videos and hawler next time you’re in SoCal. Id love to show you the islands hidden gems.


As a pilot in SoCal we are spoiled to have this gem of a destination in our backyard. Never gets old. Thanks for the showcase!
