Beyond Proficient: Flying to Catalina Island

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Want to know what it takes to fly to Catalina Island (KAVX)? Join the AOPA Air Safety Institute in the first episode of Beyond Proficient, a new series focusing on getting you out of your comfort zone, challenging your flying skills, and doing it safely.

A note about life jackets: The life jackets available to us would've interfered with our ability to operate the airplane had we worn them throughout the flight. That is why we put them behind our backs on our seats. At our altitude and with the crew we had (our video producer is in the backseat) we would've had time to put them on or at least have them in hand before encountering the water. This makes a great case to invest in low profile personal flotation devices, but we also wanted to show the renter experience where those types of life jackets might not be available.
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Wonderful video ! Blancolerio used a snipped in his piece on the recent fatal crash there, and Google “offered” this video in the queue, and reminds me of back when I got my private pilot.


In 1969 and 70 I was in the US Army flying out of Crissy Army Airfield at the Presidio of San Francisco. We flew up and down the coast of California all the time, in U-8 twin-engine Beechcraft, U-1A single-engine Otters and helicopters. But in doing so, we never flew over to Catalina Island. I wanted to, but we couldn't get our Commanding Officer to authorize the side trip. Thanks for sharing this great video...


Takes guts to post this as a CFI because everyone is going to nit-pick it to death. I give props for climbing to 6, 500 for safety even though it's such a short flight from TOA. I see lots of people crossing at 2, 000. Not too smart! Hopefully Soyla can make it from FA to FO at Delta. That would be a great story.


Catalina is definitely a good place to train new pilots. But for any pilot training in Southern California, be sure to add Big Bear (L35) for the mountain flying experience, and Fallbrook (L18) for the shorter (2000 foot) runway experience to truly reinforce good habits.


This is exactly the type of videos I’m very interested to watch about air safety. This is not only very helpful but also inspiring. Focusing on how to do things right is a much better and modern approach to air safety. Early accident analysis brings too much speculation and very delayed lessons to learn (old school). Flying into any new airfield takes always good preparation and that’s the key for a successful flight. Please keep up making videos like this, I’m certainly be glad to share them with my fellow GA aviators. Congrats on your good work!


Congrats Solya, just awesome to see, you will be a great Captain. Also kudos to the instructor. As a student at Burbank airport in the 1990s, I did this exact same flight with my instructor, mostly as a break from the training so we could learn and do something fun. So cool to see others doing this. Now after all these years flying, I still look back on trips to Catalina and realize it really is like no other place I have flown. One thing not mentioned is that there is a high spot in the runway is in the middle, which really makes it look like you are running out of runway before you get airborne. You can see it in the video.


I received initial training here in SoCal at 4 FBO's and at least a dozen instructors. Health, working full time and financial issues set me back and I never got my ticket but I sure had a great time learning and seeing the country side. Now retired maybe it's time to rekindle the fire. I always appreciated AOPA and ASI's influence. It's good to see the discussions that developed here as it can only be for the betterment of all, instructors and students alike.


Awesome video! This is great instruction for those who are considering flying to Catalina. I own N660SP aka "Captain America". I'm so glad you all used my plane. I've made the trip to Catalina a lot. Now I'll show new passengers this video before they go.


... and the video taught me what is a P-VASI ! Thank you !


Why did you guys stop doing the accident case studies? There was a lot of information in those. Could you please start those up again


Wow! This brings back some memories. I attended Catalina Island School in 71 - 72. I usually flew over on the seaplanes that landed in Avalon harbor, but did land once at the airport in this video. I'd love to try now as a student pilot. Great job, ladies! Thanks for the video.


As a CFI teaching out of KRAL, KAVX was one of my favorite destinations for dual x/c with student pilots (who were generally rewarded with a buffalo burger during our brief stopover.) Number two on the list of outstanding SoCal teaching destinations was Big Bear (L35) for the density altitude experience (and, sometimes, brunch.)


Great landing! Wish my instruction included a trip to Catalina. Nice to see women in the aviation industry as well. Good luck with your future flying.


1:04 “not a huge undertaking but with small details that can quickly add up, and factors that can make this airport more challenging…” Well said in light of yesterdays crash and five fatalities during an after sunset takeoff.


Tricky approach — and an even more challenging departure with the sun in your face, and knowing there’s a cliff waiting for you somewhere beyond the glare. Shoutout to the producer on his/her crouching skills to stay out of the shot. ;-)


flew over just after HS in a Grumman Goose piloted by our family friend only 22 at the time. when he was in grade 7 he told all of us he was going to be a pilot. his grades weren't that great, but his DESIRE trumped so many of his barriers. when we dropped over the airfield he was "reading" the waving windy grassed and taking in all kinds of information. my respect for him went way, way up after that ride. 1972


Love Catalina, had no idea how tricky it was to fly there. Awesome video!


Flown in-to AVX many times in the late 80s and 90s. Always a fun experience. Now - try-out Big Bear! High altitude.


Great vid! Got to fly there once in the 90's. Right seat passenger. Out of Montgomery field, San Diego. Piper Archer. Closest thing to a carrier landing as I'll ever get. Cheers!


I've always been kind of indifferent about instructors but this time I have to say I am so impressed! At first I thought she needed to be quiet and let her student fly but as they neared final I became so trusting if her voice. I don't know if I said that right but what an amazing instructor! Very impressed with the student as well, It is very good to see the women in aviation especially a Mexican American, I bet there are so few! Great job ladies!
