A LOT of Cosmic reveals, Linux usage surge, macOS is more vulnerable: Linux & Open Source News

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00:00 Intro
00:55 A lot of Cosmic reveals
05:57 Linux market share rises again
07:46 MacOS is more vulnerable than Windows and Linux
09:44 Distro release roundup
11:24 First major lawsuit following Crowdstrike incident
12:22 Crowdstrike shareholders sue the company
13:38 Sponsor: Tuxedo Computers
14:40 Support the channel

#Linux #technews #linuxnews #linuxdesktop

A lot of Cosmic reveals

Linux market share rises again

Report shows macOS is more vulnerable than Windows and Linux

Distro release roundup

First major lawsuit following Crowdstrike incident

Crowdstrike shareholders sue the company
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My husband and I were windows users until a couple days ago. Windows has gone to far. We changed thanks to your videos. :)


4.5% might not seem that big... but the userbase was 2.2% back in 2022. That is _double_ the number of users if this is reliable info.

Let that sink in.


The reason people are jumping ship to Linux this year is because Microsoft is doing their very best to make Windows unusable. Recall, ads in the start menu, ads in the file manager, more telemetry and spying, more resource usage.


When my last Windows laptop died, someone sold me a year-old Macbook Air for $200. I was in grad school so I needed something functional immediately. I’ve stuck with Macs since then because I love the interoperability. That said, I am not here to defend Apple as a company (Nick, please keep the criticisms coming lol). I love learning about Linux - and doing that has taught me more about UNIXy systems in general.


Best wishes to Cosmic team. Hope Cosmic will be cross-Linux in the future and not just unique to Pop! OS.


I definitely want LMDE to be base mint!


awesome to see the increase in linux use. heres to hoping it only continues to climb!


Here's the thing for me... from my perspective, having been in IT since 1993 in one form or another, I have NEVER seen a Mac or Linux system with actual malware of any kind. I have seen (and repaired) thousands of Windows hosts compromised. So while I recognize "security" encompasses a lot more than this, from an explicitly end-user standpoint, I don't consider Linux or macOS desktops to be at risk even minimally to this kind of vulnerability because I have NEVER SEEN it in the wild. The only actual infections or compromises have either required physical access to a host, or some level of social engineering where a person was required to actively pull a "Linus Tech Tips" move and brick their own system despite clear warnings. --- And market cap matters to actual shareholders. It's not fake money. It may not be a realized loss until the stock is sold but if the stock never recovers many people will indeed have lost a lot of money.


I'm using windows 10 till it's end of life and then I'll install Linux mint. I have tried ubuntu, Linux mint, and kali Linux before and I'm just giving Linux some time to mature before I shift to it completely.

I'm using all Linux friendly programs on windows to help reduce the learning curve like Firefox, wps office etc


I’m a Mac user, I only use Linux for development. The reason I can’t have it as my main OS, Is it needs too much configuration, and Apple’s ecosystem is, unfortunately, unmatched (seamless integration, no bloatware, no duplicate apps, etc), and software support.
I think Linux is eating into Windows’s market share, no Apple’s.


5:59 I'm a Mac user sub! I use Linux for all of my own servers, and for all of the servers I manage at work but for home use I just prefer macOS to any of the Linux distros and DEs I've tried. I like the software support, I like hardware video acceleration working consistently for watching videos online, I like the UI a lot, and all the annoying things can be ironed out with light weight apps or whatever which is functionally no different to me than having to go and install a gnome extension or whatever. Plus, fundamentally macOS is UNIX so we're still part of the same family 💕 Fully appreciate there are a plethora of reasons people might not use macOS, but I like it.


I wonder if out of support Win10 will finally kicks in a big push to Linux. If we can ever reach 5% on steam it might result in a snowball effect as i think that would be the point from when devs would take Linux seriously and starts to support it natively, especially multiplayer games making even more users wanting to/(able to) switch.


As much as id like to switch my main workstation from windows to linux, companies just need to take linux seriously and port over some essential programs i need (mostly for school) to linux...


Since you asked, I daily drive Windows and I'm in WSL daily for work. I initially subscribed to this channel because I convinced myself I was just about to switch 100% to Linux, which never happened. And I've stuck around all these years for that seductive French accent. 🤗


Many companies that are often remote-first and cloud-first are running Mac-only fleets for their workers. Linux on servers--that's a no-brainer. Windows is mainly hanging on with gaming, legacy applications, and Active Directory.


Once Tuxedo comes out with an ARM laptop, i will absolutely consider Linux for my laptop. But right now, nothing beats the M-series processor for battery life and performance.


Windows for now, but I'm almost done migrating to multi-platform software. OneNote was the biggest challenge. I do have Linux Mint 21.3 🍃running on my old Windows 7 box to help with the learning curve.


I use all 3 major OS's and work as a Linux sysadmin. I would like more info on what specific attacks succeeded on Mac. It seems kinda crazy if Mac out of the box is less secure than even normal Windows hardening. That's kinda silly too relegating mac to marketing or graphic design. I still see lots of Devs and other teams using Mac. There are still a lot of enterprises you go into that have custom vpn apps or other things that just won't even run on Linux desktop. I don't mind having Linux as a desktop for work if there was good planning from the company with it. Kinda like choosing the most compatible hardware. I generally go with Mac if it is an option then Linux then Windows for my laptop choice for work.


Been daily driving on Linux for 14 plus years. I flipped after getting a blue screen while installing Windows one day. Never looked back!


Can't wait for cosmic to be in debian stable in a year at the quickest.
