Walk In REVEALS What's Coming: You're In A GRAND COSMIC GAME! This is HOW You PLAY | Franco Romero

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Read Franco's book “The Closet Spiritualist”

Awaken to Your Soul's Purpose! Welcome to free live webinar with Jannecke

Find links to Franco's official site here


In this mind-bending episode, spiritual visionary Franco Romero takes us on an exhilarating journey through the realms of consciousness and awakening. Joined by host Jannecke Øinæs, they delve into profound concepts that challenge our understanding of reality itself. Romero's insights offer a fresh perspective on the nature of existence, suggesting that each individual is the center of their own universe, surrounded by supporting characters who play roles in their awakening. As they explore themes of multidimensionality, the awakening process, and the impending shift to higher states of consciousness, they reveal tantalizing glimpses into a future where the boundaries of perception are stretched beyond recognition. Get ready to be transported to the edge of possibility as we embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries of existence and unlock the secrets of our true nature. Buckle up for a conversation that promises to shake the foundations of your reality and ignite the flames of transformation within. Welcome to a paradigm-shifting exploration of the cosmic tapestry that binds us all.


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Jannecke Øinæs


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💙 Music: Wisdom From North Theme Song by Jannecke Øinæs and Ragnhild Barra Wisløff.
Music : Epidemic Sound
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Thank you for watching! Welcome to "Awaken to Your Soul's Purpose!" A free live webinar with me


We just have to remember we volunteered, trust the process


It took me 43 years to learn how to meditate 🧘🏽‍♀️ my my my is my life different now! Everytime I meditate I get a new perspective and it’s soo cool!
I wished everyone knew how easy it is!

If u have tried meditating and you just can’t get it! Ur doing the wrong type of meditation!
Sit in a chair 🪑 and shut ur eyes and listen to your breath and when u realize ur thinking - come back to breath and if u fall asleep that’s ok! But that moment when ur head is about to bob from nodding off that’s exactly where you want to be! And enjoy from there!

The sitting on the floor the breathing techniques the way u hold ur hands and fingers! 😌 it’s seriously not important at all

Shut ur eyes and enjoy the silence 🤫

Be forgiving to your mind as it’ll drift off into thought and just come back to breath that’s all!!
All the other guided stuff and breathing in your nose out ur mouth hold breath for 10 seconds bla bla bla
Forget all of that nonsense

Shut ur eyes listen to your breath if u drift off that’s ok 👍🏼 just try and relax 😌 and ur minds eye will take over

Meditate at the same time daily if u can and without pets if u can!

Good luck it’s super easy the rest is a show and unnecessary!

I guess u can train for that for whatever reason! But I meditate with a bunch of senior citizens and they cannot hold their breath or sit on the floor

They’ve been meditating since the 1950s they know what’s up! So blessed they taught me


I think this man is gentle and sincere. I just wonder why God is using us so he can play as a child in this duality. I have to ponder this, maybe I am just going to be stuck in 3D. I meditate daily and seem to get more confused as I hear more theories. I will continue to meditate and treat people with love and respect 🙏


After my son passed away almost 4 years ago; NDEs and such have been my teacher, bringing me to this; it is all so intriguing. I am so thankful I have a friend who shares all this with me and vice versa. Thank you for this 💚


Listening to this makes me feel so much better about this crazy world/school/prison lol....sending peace and love to everyone❣


Yes. He's 💯 correct about this being a SIM. It's the most challenging "acceptance" for even most self proclaimed awakened spiritual people. To let go of the human based paradigm. We are ALL in a dream state consciousness. Our higher self simply breaks off a part of itself, which moves into this veiled experience. When we "die" we actually awaken.
The mass awakening that is coming will allow us to experience a collective awakening while holding space in the body. It will be a full transmutation. This unification will create a higher dimension consciousness. Christ consciousness--Oneness. Then we will ascend into the new Earth. From caterpillar to butterfly. 🦋


Wow, just had another shift in understanding. Goosebumps and tears all around. This was a big one, what an awesome day❤


I watched Franco on "Next Soul Level". He is the best!


I don’t know this man but he spoke words that so much resonate with things that I remembered deeply before become human but can’t quite put in words.


Many years ago, I worked with a woman that was a 'walk-in'. I do not recall the circumstances of the transition, but I do not believe it was an NDE. It was such an amazing change because her new soul was entirely different. She went from wearing make up every day and shopping for clothes to being not at all interested in either. I just found your website; very interesting. Thank you for sharing.


Loved this . "Be a child again" play it like a fun game....
One thing I think about which is a little bit of a block to playing the game and having fun is that this new earth isn't available for everyone. And finding acceptance in that. That it may not be available to me. But maybe, who cares? maybe we just need to let go of that and play, love ourselves, have fun, "orgasmically".


I totally get it! For 734 days I have deliberately tapped in to me. Not through meditation that’s always been hard for me, but at least 45 minutes a day I set Quietly and take in information. I follow Abraham’s book of positive aspects. What I intend to do today – what I want the universe to take care of – and a❤love letter to self. This time spent with me is precious and has raised my frequency to where I understood every single thing he said . My light is so bright it almost blinds people lol. They can’t help but love me, because I love me so much. ❤ Great segment!


that's it, fall totally totally in love with SELF, is the only way


Life is not a game it’s reality! That’s why we seek to the Lord and Savior for answers


I decades into my awakening. Read, observes studied. Watched tone of your and others content. However Franco’s interview has triggered a beautiful process within. I can barely function right now


Thank you. Pls include the Creator we are from and acknowledge This Great Love


excited, bloody goosebumps man, no wonder people loved you


WOW WOW WOW, he explains things so well. and I LOVE that you let him talk without interrupting ..thanks


After my awakening I still dont want to be here on earth but I have responsibilities that keeps me going
