Class3pt1 Cosmic Grail Revealed - Technology to Heal Wasteland After Catastrophe w/ Randall Carlson
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C3.1 Notes:
Finger Lakes point to common epicenter in Lake Ontario
Hundreds of feet of sediments fill the bottoms and date to less than 14ky
Vast drumlin field between Finger Lakes and Lake Ontario
Largest Finger Lakes very similar in size to Grand Coulee in central Washington
Grand Coulee Dam – most massive dam in the US at the northern end
Upper and Lower GC formation
Dual cataract Dry Falls, much larger than Horseshoe Falls at Niagara, the division point
Catastrophic flood greater volume than 10x every river outflow on Earth
Channeled Scablands cut into layers of volcanic basalt of Columbia Basalt Plateau
1993 Mississippi River flood volume comparisons with only one flow thru Scablands
Moraines at the ends and sides of glaciers made up of “till” that is plowed ahead
Coulees are canyons without flowing water – formed suddenly by megafloods
Moses Coulee
Energy Paradox
Ice Age Floods Institute - It IS the greatest story yet untold!
Quick advancement in last 150 years – What were humans doing before? 1000’s gens!
North American Ice Sheet Complexes max size, then completely gone in -5000 years
How much energy required to melt the ice in that short of a time span? ERROR…
$$$ now all to Anthropogenic climate change, but far far larger changes naturally
What does this have to do with the Holy Grail? Technology to accelerate healing Land
Catastrophe that was the start of the Dark Ages – leading to plague and setbacks
Followed by boom of Medieval Warm Period, then shifts to Little Ice Age expansions
Glaciers bigger than at any time since the end of Great Ice Age 12-10kya
Planet is far more dynamic than previously thought; Scales of events
Warmest decade in US was the 1930’s/ last all-time high for any state was in 1994
Nobody yet has the explanation for the sudden and repeated glacial/inter-glacial shifts
Back to Energy Paradox: Provides a context for understanding symbolism of the Grail
J Harlen Bretz pioneered the vision by mapping flooded landscapes over two decades
Satellite views show what he did accurately, and effects can be seen immediately
Strandlines on mountains around Missoula, Montana
Temporarily impounded body of water over 1000’ deep in this basin (1 of 3)
Explanation of pulsed draining of the basin thru constrictions down-flow
Kids in Minnesota would go to the river to watch the ice-jams against the bridges
Presenting a new model of the world! Repository of this whole story around the planet
Bretz was the first to really start perceiving it on the potential scale that we now see
Story of geologist Gillooly coming to terms, once seeing evidence, with being wrong
Mission Valley south of Flathead Lake outflow routes map
Camas Prairie Basin giant current ripples (macro-bedforms)
Similar micro-scale effects along Peachtree Creek after Hurricane Ivan in 2004
This stuff is all around us, but its on such a scale that we don’t even know to see it
Huge delta fan that was pushed thru one of the gaps in the mountain range
Scoured holes that are now small lakes
Catastrophism is a major part of Earth’s history
Showing regional expressions of a global event
A short-lived, massive destabilization of the Natural Order of things
Grail romances written 1180-1230, set in the time of the onset of the Dark Ages
Technology whereby the process of natural recovery can be accelerated
King was disabled and the Land around suffering blight simultaneously
If Quest by the Knights for the Grail was successful – the King and the Land would heal
There was a complex imagery associated with the Grail – simplest was the Grail cup
Must become familiar with this language of catastrophism, and the story that it tells
Religious and spiritual symbolism from around the world pointing to a great flood
Imprint of a cosmic phenomenon!
Every single case of ancient architecture is they are aligned to cosmic markers
So many of these structures are astronomical observatories
Gobekli Tepe apparently built right before this event and then deliberately buried
Graham Hancock traveled with us across the Scablands before heading to Turkey
Maybe buried the same reason that you would bury a missile silo?
Recorded and Directed by Bradley Young
Recorded and Edited by Mike Wazlavek, Bradley Young
Produced by YSI Productions LLC copyright 2015, 2024