What's Waggle Dance of the Honeybee? | How bees communicate?

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How can honeybees communicate information about food sources?

Waggle dance is a term used in beekeeping and ethology for a particular figure-eight dance of the honey bee. By performing this dance, successful foragers can share information about the direction and distance to patches of flowers yielding nectar and pollen, to water sources, or to new nest-site locations with other members of the colony.

Full version of video available here: Georgia Tech College of Computing
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I knew bees were awesome, but it was only in the past few days I started to understand the mechanisms they use. Blown away 10000x.


How bees tell its members the direction of food source during round dance...???


so, if they use the UP direction substitutes the location of the sun, does that mean they always do the waggle dance on the walls of the hive? wouldnt make sense they made it on the floor...


Another food for thought regarding chapter (or surah) THE BEES.

The BEES chapter or surah is number 16 and, believe it or not, this number has a significance too.

First, you need to remember when the Quran was written down as it was revealed there was no chapter or verse numbers, and it was not revealed in order. The Quran revealed in a scattered form depending on certain times and events.

The order that we currently have was dictated by ALLAH through Angle Gabrial to prophet Muhammad peace be upon them both.
Even after it was ordered, the first complete Quran in one book still didn’t have surah or verse numbering. This was added later for easy reference. So, the numbering is not dictated or inspired. It was a human addition to make it easy for readers, research, for referencing, etc.

Back to the subject that Surah or chapter THE BEES is number 16.

Male Bees happen to have ONE PAIR of 16 Chromosomes.
Female Bees happen to have TWO PAIRS of 16 chromosomes.
You are thinking genetic, yes.

We are not done,

Chapter or surah 16 is made of 128 verses.

128 = 16 x 8

We now know what 16 represent.

What about the number 8.

Did you know that the female honeybees do the waggle dance to tell other bees where food is located.
This waggle bee dance takes the pattern of a figure 8.
I can’t post the video because of copywrite, and my message will be deleted.

But search YouTube for this title:
What's Waggle Dance of the Honeybee? | How bees communicate? Bee-Tech Kashmir

Just copy and paste the above title into YouTube and watch the video.
