Why do honey bees dance? | We The Curious

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Could you tell your friends where to find food just by dancing? Join Ross Exton of the Live Science Team as he takes a look inside a hive to discover the mysterious behaviour of honey bees.
This video was presented by: Ross Exton, Live Science Video Producer
Produced by: Ross Exton, and Seamus Foley, Big Screen Producer.
We The Curious is an idea and a place for everyone. We’re all about asking questions, being playful and testing things out. An educational charity that removes boundaries around science - connecting art, people, everything, in a united culture of curiosity.
Music courtesy of: Amostra III - Bee's Lullaby
This video was presented by: Ross Exton, Live Science Video Producer
Produced by: Ross Exton, and Seamus Foley, Big Screen Producer.
We The Curious is an idea and a place for everyone. We’re all about asking questions, being playful and testing things out. An educational charity that removes boundaries around science - connecting art, people, everything, in a united culture of curiosity.
Music courtesy of: Amostra III - Bee's Lullaby
Why do honey bees dance? | We The Curious
The Waggle Dance | Inside the Animal Mind | BBC
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