Has God Rejected The Jewish People?

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Replacement Theology teaches that God has replaced Israel with the Church. Fulfillment Theology teaches that all of God's promises to Israel were fulfilled in Yeshua and now have a new meaning. They both agree the Land of Israel is not a fulfillment of prophecy. Is this what the bible teaches?

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Another great video! Concise, backed accurately by scripture, and TRUE!!!


Great Stuff.... I hope & pray that it helps to open eyes and hearts to God's amazing plan for the One New Man.  Baruchot!!!


God will welcome Jesus Christ believing Jews into heaven when we're caught up in the clouds or when they die. All the others will burn in hell.


Thank you for the video. Wanted to send it to my pastor (wonderful God fearing/loving man but clearly sits in the "Fulfillment Theology" camp), but sadly wanted more of a point by point rebuttal from the scriptures. I definitely agree with what you say regarding the mindset of such, but it would "hold more weight" if refusal was scriptual as well as historical/religio-political.



Critical typo at 3:35...you spelled Converts as "COVERTS". Otherwise very accurate and inspiring explanation. I will share this with a reasonable, but angry Muslim I chatted with on another video page. He wrote me many complaints, but I am a simple man and will discuss one thing at a time. If God is with me in it, He will bring Patience and Peace. Shalom to you and your group.


Thank you! For about 14 yrs. duh, I thot. "A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs" [David Bercot] was a safe place to go [those closest to the Apostles, weren't Calvinist, etc.] UNTIL about a year ago I discovered many of the Patristic Fathers [Justyn Martyr, etc.] were anti-semites! No wonder my heart was so unsettled! P.S. I grew up in Laurel Canyon in the Hollywood Hills Ca. and had wonderful Jewish neighbors [some Holocaust survivors even!] who took we practically orphaned little girls [mother died in childbirth, father had to stay in NY] everywhere with their children: the beach, the mountains, plays, museum, etc.  Wonderful memories! Oh, born-again in 1969!


For salvation is of the Jews - yes, Ron, we as gentiles are co-heirs with the Jews. We are grafted in. We are brought into the Commonwealth of Israel.
Much of the confusion arises out of slothful Bible study where those with hate in their hearts seek to justify their politics/philosophies. Much like evolutionists. 
When Israel as a nation divided after the rule of Solomon the ten tribes of Israel were taken away never to return. Judah remained centred around Jerusalem and the temple. 
Israel (the ten tribes, often referred to biblically as Ephraim)  was promised the new covenant of receiving the the Holy Spirit [Jeremiah 31:33-34] thus Ephraim and Judah became the two halves of the stick, both enjoy the promises of God unto salvation. 
The Spirit-filled church became the Law and the Temple internally within, whilst Judah remained under the Law and circumcision of the flesh. 
But both populations receive the blessings through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Ezekiel 37 - The valley of the dry bones illustrates the final reconciliation between Ephraim and Judah in which the full twelve "tribes" are restored and Israel is made whole again, as in the days of David and Solomon.  
Verse 22: And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all; and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all.
1John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 


Very true. Those people are not the ones described in the bible.


you have the question all wrong, its not "has God rejected the jewish people" but "have the Jewish people rejected God"?. untill the modern state of israel and the government/prime minister of israel believe in the lord Jesus Christ and truly follow him they are NOT gods people and are under Gods wrath (3rd chapter of John).. God rejects no one, its we who either reject God or accept God by believing in his Son or not believing in his son. Illl gladly support Israel AFTER it believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and follows him...not before then.


Ron Cantor, Too bad that this video does not have captions for Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. There are 22 millions of Deaf and Hard of Hearing population in America. Do you have full transcript or a complete article on this topic?


ALL are living under the new covenant presently. All mean Jews, and Gentiles, who placed their faith in Christ will not be rejected by God (Gal3:27 to 29). The Church doesn't replaced Israel but the God's kingdom now built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus being the chief cornerstone. Further all its members are accepted through faith period. Abraham doesn't focus on that tiny piece of land in Palestine but he look forward to inherit the world; (Rom 4:13) the new Jerusalem. Read Rom4:13 "For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith." It was the Jewish people who rejected God and that is what the bible teaches.


God promised David his throne will be established forever. Jesus is the seed of David and will fulfill the promise at his coming.


In the early chapters of Romans (1–8), Paul expounds the gospel of God’s righteousness for the salvation of all who believe in Christ, both Jews and Gentiles. In the middle chapters of the epistle (9–11), he grapples with the perplexing theme of the Jews’ unbelief in their own promised Messiah. This matter not only causes Paul great anguish, but also raises questions about God’s faithfulness to the Jewish people.
An accusation was circulating in the first century that God had not kept His promises to Israel—that He had unjustly abandoned His chosen people in favor of idol-worshipping Gentiles. Although many Jews believed in Christ, the majority of the Jewish people adhered to their old leaders and traditions. Meanwhile, increasing numbers of Gentiles were becoming Christians.
How was one to view these developments? What was God’s plan for Jews and Gentiles in this decisive period of the history of salvation? Why were most Jews unresponsive or opposed to the gospel while Gentiles were becoming the majority in the young Church?

Paul’s letter to the Romans indicates how important such questions were to Christians in the sixth decade of the first century. Has God been fair to Israel? Paul’s conclusion is yes: He has been faithful to Israel, and through them to the Gentiles. God’s unchanging faithfulness is seen in several ways.

1. Through Paul (Rom 9:1–3). God miraculously saved the Jewish zealot Saul (Acts 9:1–22), who later, as Paul the Apostle, confesses, “I am indeed a Jew” (Acts 22:3). The faithfulness of God to Israel and to the Gentiles is witnessed “in the Holy Spirit” (Rom 9:1) through Paul, who is even willing to be “accursed from Christ” (9:3) if by that Israel could be saved.
2. Through Providence (Rom 9:4, 5). God the Father shows His sovereign care for both Israel and the Gentiles through bestowing on them His adoption, glory, covenants, law, service (Gr. latreia, a reference to proper worship) and promises. The gospel itself came to “the Jew first” (Rom 1:16) and then to the Gentile.
3. Through the patriarchs (Rom 9:6–13). God has been faithful to Israel and thus to the Gentiles through His servants Abraham (v. 7), Isaac (v. 10), and Jacob (v. 13). As Isaac’s birth came by the promise of God (vv. 6–9), so the new birth comes to us by His promise. For just as it was possible to be in the nation of Israel but not truly a child of God, so being born into a Christian home, church, and culture does not de facto guarantee our faithfulness. We must, like Isaac, be born of God’s promise. For the Christian this new birth comes from the watery womb of baptism, with the injunction that we grow to serve the Lord with all our heart, mind, and strength.
4. Through the prophets (Rom 9:14–29). Beginning with Moses (v. 15) and including Hosea (vv. 25, 26) and Isaiah (vv. 27–29), the prophets reveal God’s faithfulness in His sovereign mercy and election of His faithful—Jew and Gentile alike. The “potter” has “power over the clay” (v. 21) “that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy” (v. 23).

We therefore conclude that God is faithful to Israel as He is to the Gentiles. But we also see that to benefit from His faithfulness to us, we must be faithful to Him.


21 Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? 22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. 24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. 25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. 26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. 27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. 28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. 29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. 30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. 31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free. :: Christians are the fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christ is the seed of Abraham. Your video is inaccurate.


This is too political. I wish I can't find the truth on this topic.. I'm beginning to question this all of this stuff now. 


White people are not the original Jews!! Black people or more specifically the Ethiopiasn are the original Jews and I got facts to prove it!

There are hundreds of pyramids on the earth, but the Great Pyramids of Egypt are considered the first of the Seven Wonders of the World. The White-skinned Jews that now inhabit Palestine have erroneously claimed that according to the Bible their ancestors were slaves in Egypt under Pharaoh and that they built the pyramids. But several Jewish scholars like Prof. Shlomo Sand, Arthur Koestler, and others have already dealt a fatal blow to the claim that the Caucasian Jews have ANY connection whatsoever to those Hebrews of the King James Bible. These scholars have proven that the White Israelis are descendants of a tribe of Europeans called the Khazars, a 6th-century people who converted to Judaism long, long after the pyramids were built, and long after the Bible was written. And, according to Biblical scholars, the pyramids were built at least 1, 000 years before there is even any mention of any Hebrews.

Shlomo Sand, a professor at Tel Aviv University in Israel, wrote a revealing book in 2008 titled The Invention of the Jewish People, wherein he states: “The ancient Egyptians kept meticulous records of every event, and there is a great deal of documentation about the kingdom’s political and military life … . Yet there is not a single mention of any ‘Children of Israel’ who lived in Egypt, or rebelled against it, or emigrated from it at any time.”

Source: Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People (2008); Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage (1976).


Romans 2
28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; 29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.
Ch 3
29 Or is He the God of the Jews only? Is He not also the God of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also, 30 since there is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith.

Genesis 22 God's promise to Abraham was he would use his seed to bless every nation, who is Christ. Israel is not special, neither are Gentiles... all sin and fall short. All must turn to Christ, trust and obey him for salvation.


How about a New Covenant, where all peoples are welcome, all connected by the Cross of Christ, all one in Christ Jesus, as were grafted in as in the Olive tree illustration. Jesus came for the Jew 1st then the Greek/ Gentile. Not all are of the seed of Abraham. Denying the grace of Jesus Christ & turning to our own goodness is to trample His holy blood underfoot. We should be thankful always praising the majesty of the King of Kings & Lord of Lords Jesus Christ


you'll no your answer soon it's not worth explaining question That's been answered people wanna believe God change like man funny you will know soon


Jewish reject prophet yeshu, Christian reject Prophet Muhammad, Jewish and Christian are cursed and going to hell.
