Cubital tunnel syndrome: Signs, symptoms and treatment of this ulnar nerve injury

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Cubital tunnel syndrome is another name for ulnar neuritis or ulnar nerve compression at the elbow. The cubital tunnel is the space behind the medial epicondyle (the “funny bone” prominence on the inside of your elbow) where the ulnar nerve runs.

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Patients with cubital tunnel syndrome, or ulnar neuritis or ulnar nerve compression, often complain of numbness and tingling in the ring finger and little finger. You might also notice pain in those fingers or in the forearm on the side of the little finger. You might notice that the pain, numbness and tingling are worse when you keep your elbow bent, such as talking on the phone.

Doctors can suspect an issue with irritation or compression of the ulnar nerve based on your symptoms and physical exam tests. Your doctor might also order nerve conduction studies to determine if and where the ulnar nerve is compressed.

Anti-inflammatory medications can sometimes help relieve symptoms. Occasionally wearing a brace or splint can help. Often if you have symptoms that aren’t getting better, surgery to release pressure on the nerve at the elbow can relieve pain and resolve the numbness and tingling.

If you have signs and symptoms consistent with cubital tunnel syndrome, watch the video to learn more about this nerve problem and treatment options.
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I have this for my elbow and fingers, I got it by probably lifting weights or doing pull ups


I'm 14 and a high performing athlete, playing travel softball and club volleyball and have been dealing with elbow pain for 12 weeks. It started when I hit my elbow on an armrest of a chair. It was not broken and I was simply told it was a contusion. I was in a splint for about 4 weeks, got an MRI, which came back normal and then started physical therapy to hopefully ease the pain and strengthen my arm. With no luck, my orthopedist gave me gabapentin, Voltaren Gel, and meloxicam along with a cortisone injection, none of which worked. I then started Prednisone, which had no effect either. I went to get a second opinion, where he found swelling around my nerve on the MRI, finally! With an EMG we found cubital tunnel syndrome. I have been using a night splint, with no luck. There is some muscle atrophy in my hand. So now, surgery is looking like the only option to get me back on the playing field.


I have a burning sensation on the funny bone but no pain or discomfort anywhere else.


I never new the agony this pain cost me. Had pain in my elbow for years. Now I drop things and have weakness in my hand. The pain is unbearable. It even made goes to my neck. Very painful.


It's the most painful progress of my life 😥


Bench pressing surprisingly relieves the pain and at times takes it away right there and then. Not doing proper pushups (elbows in) since child hood will cause this pain as you get older and simply doing pull-ups or curling weight can cause pain to accrue and linger on for days. I’m not a doctor but, I’ve noticed every time I get these aches and do some bench pressing it helps a lot.


I am having this issue. The pain comes from elbow down to my hands and up to my neck. It started after lifting weights.


This is something that can happen to guitarists too. I got an EMG and the nerve was *slightly* slow compared to what it should’ve been. Glad I listened to my body, I’ve been sleeping with a brace and it’s slowly getting better I think.


Am having a lot of pain in my elbow I'm hitting the concrete from falling out of a chair and it hurts if anything touches it if I bump it hurts and my fingers go numb I have to go get a emg what do you thank is wrong with it


I get numbness in my whole hand and feel pain from my elbow to the finger tips


I have no numbness but sharp pain in elbow. It flares whenever I keep arm on chair or forearm planks.


I hit my elbow on a corner and it hurts if I compress my arm like if I try to squeeze my bicep I feel numbness/blockage right below my elbow what do I do please help im scared.


Not getting over it! 10 years after surgery and its worse! I can hardly use my hands


I injured my elbow over a year ago. I fell and landed on my left elbow (on a hardwood floor). There was no break but this injury caused massive bruising and a large hematoma directly over my inner elbow. Fast forward to 14 months later and I have had issues since. An EMG was just conducted and it showed cubital tunnel syndrome. I have tried all the conservative treatments for about 5 months with 0 relief. I meet with a surgeon next week and I am planning on having surgery as I have elbow pain all the time, including waking in the night to my arm being completely numb. I now have hand weakness and tingling in ring and pinky finger. I drop items as well. This is also my dominant hand.


I hit my unreal nerve pretty hard that i couldnt feel my hand for half a minute, i told my mother this and she said that i should not worry about it, but i do worry about it becauee nerves are quite a big deal and im afraid i might have consequences from the nerve ingury, even a life permanent damage, what can i do at home to help the injury? Without any medications?


I had a bicep rupture repair surgery and now I can't feel my fingers.


My wife has recently started experiencing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome and there is swelling around the ulnar nerve. What treatments can we do at home to help?


when i move my arm the ulnar never ball in the elbow moves and that’s on my left elbow my right is move sentive i get numbness. this has been happening since for about 3-4 years. when i move my left arm i feel the nerve move.

what should i do?


I have a burning sensato the touch, weakness gripping with my pinky and ring finger, pain when twisting my hand from palm down to up, lots of pain. Doctors have not told me what this is.
