When You DON'T WANT TO Spend Time ⏰ With God..... 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Listen to what she’s saying because everything about distraction will come your way once that Bible gets opened


I’m not joking when I say this is a direct message from the Holy Spirit to me, I fell into sin this morning and usually I will spend the rest of the day avoiding god like Adam and Eve in the garden after eating the apple. Even with my struggles I truly want and desire the Lord.


I love this ❤️ 😍 woman alot in the Lord.


I love your energy. Thank you Lord for using Jackie for your word.


Recently for past few weeks I’ve noticed one thing - whenever I start praying half way I sleep off.After some time I get up and do the normal work. It happens only when I sit for prayer. Best part is today when I was watching your video I started dozing off. Some how forced my self to watch the entire session which resulted in a breakthrough. Already I had the knowledge that when we are engaged in prayer we enter the battlefield. Thank God for the revival. I felt that this message was for me.God bless you and help you to be a shining light to rekindle many


4:08 reminds me of 1 Corinthians 12, "For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ"


I do spend some time with the lord during my Bible study 📖 I LOVE IT, I THANK GOD 🎉🎉🎉


Thank you for your service on encouraging us all when our fresh is fighting our spirit that we keep seeking God in his words daily in prayers


Jackie what a beautiful message 🌟. I think when we don't wanna spend time with God; it's not because we don't want to. It's because the enemy doesn't want us to. It doesn't want us to have the relationship we are meant to have with God. But I believe no matter what happens; we'll always find our way back to our heavenly father 🙏🏽 Thanks for your free time here. May you be blessed abundantly


I have a routine that I've gotten into. I work from 5 in the morning until 330 in the afternoon. So when I get up at 305 in the morning I get up and ready small fast workout then put shoes on sit and pray then read Bible until I walk out the door. Afternoon I get home thank God for getting thru the day cook dinner get a fee things done then pray and read the Bible.. For the first time I'm reading the Bible from front to back. I'm almost done with Job and getting into Psalms.. Since I've been doing this there's been a pull on my heart that I've never had with Jesus. And it's getting stronger. I do start falling asleep at night when reading.. But it's more because of the hours I work. That's been my routine.. Just wish I could find a partner /friends to share this lifestyle with. It's tough with churches where I live because of all the prosperity gospel.. But this is how I'm fighting rite now.. And it's working 🙏🇺🇲😎❤️💪🇮🇱.... It's is hard sometimes tho. But I'm at the point if I don't pray or read for some reason it bothers me.. It's been a sad time in my life because of a few situations I've had to deal with. But I'm not giving up.. God's not letting me give up 😎😉.. Thank you for this video.. Keep up what your doing 💪😎


Thank you Jacky for not backsliding but move forward and inspire so many people


We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities in high places but all glory be to God for he has made us more than conquerors for we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me thanks for encouraging others Jackie everyone needs to be uplifted and comforted stay focus and strong sis 🙏❤️😊🙌


I went to confession OMG, that made me feel like a new man I feel super recharged Thank you GOD


I just received that bible yesterday!!!! It's awesome ❤🎉


Its so nice to hear such wisdom from such a beautiful young lady with the voice of an angel. God bless you Jackie!


I do the pace and pray. I also go to my Church during the day when I have time and pray. I've been doing that a lot lately.


We must dwell in the spirit, stand fast even in the face of death, the time has come 🙏!


Need more Christian women like Jackie! So relatable and spiritually sound


Thank you Jacket, great video, well said. God bless you. Peace and love.


I am unable to love God, but I am using God and spending time with God only for basic needs for survival .
