How To Fix explorer.exe Crashing In Windows 10
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Most of this tips in this tutorial. will be available to users of
windows 7, 8, 10. and the most recent versions.
explorer is a very useful and critical process to the windows operating system. there could be a lot of issues. that could be caused by it. sometimes
it some better just to restore it or refresh it.
your computer is crashing an end task has been issued, and basically
you will lose most of your task bar and the background of your desktop.
might be blue or black or just a random color, and then all you see is your
mouse around on the screen, that would be a sign that explored is crashed
or has stopped responding so in this turorial i'will be going over a few different ways to get explored idfc back up and running.
i have used this on fairly regular basis so it's very useful.
to know how to do it, and you don't have to restart your computer
or anything and hopefully in most cases you don't lose
any data or files , programs that you had open on your computer. so you don't lose any unsaved data.
so i hope this tutorial helped you.
Thank you for watching.