Steven Crowder is right. The Daily Wire is colluding with big tech to censor conservative creators.

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There are many valid reasons to unsub from DW in this whole ordeal, but by far I think Candace’s nuclear meltdown on Timcast last night is what finally sealed the deal for some people. Her calling Crowder’s supporters stupid on her show wasn’t a great look either, but her guest appearance last night was like a bad Mean Girls parody.


Steven is a hero for exposing this, I never thought he was a grifter, now I have proof


I have NEVER supported the Daily Wire, but I am MOST DEFINITELY a Mug Club Member!!! Thanks Karlyn, for stating the obvious truth!!


and another point is that Jordan P deleted his twit supporting Crowder, but the best is Ben S reading an ad for a Christian Bible program. Souls have been sold.


Mark Dice has called out some of these "conservative" culture warriors for silence on issues the algorithm was pushing. It's why it's disappointing to see him get this one backwards. The reason I am inclined to trust Crowder is because of how much money he has been leaving on the table for years. This is not a negotiation that went south. He's walked away from money before because he has lost multiple revenue sources by being himself.


Yeah now look at what's going on.


If daily wire is guilty of censorship then so is Steven Crowder. Both of them don’t talk about certain topics on YouTube they won’t get banned. They’re literally following his model.


Actually he is not. If Steven Crowder wants to earn a big check, and you are kidding yourself if you think he doesn't. Then he needs to be, BOTH on YouTube, and on a paywalled platform. AND he will need to share the risk and loses.

Otherwise he can settle for smaller pay, with DW taking on the full risk and loss. You can't have it both ways.


Canceled my daily wire subscription I am signing up for mug Club. screw the cowards!


Appealing to a conservative audience in public while serving the leftist establishment behind closed doors is a VERY good business decision. It makes you a lot of money.

But it's also extremely unethical and antithetical to everything the DW pretends to stand for.


Geez. It took me too long to figure out what was going on because of how few posts I saw about this, but... I was considering buying a DW membership but now? Fuget about it. I only caught up because of an email Gab sent.

Copy and paste of the email, for anyone interested:
_Ask yourself why in a culture of censorship unlike anything ever seen before in this country, has Ben Shapiro, The Daily Wire, and all of the other 'popular' conservative media outlets I mentioned never faced any modicum of censorship over the past seven years? Why is Ben Shapiro “shadow-boosted” into Facebook and YouTube feeds while the rest of us are banned, demonetized, and shadowbanned?_
_You may think that it’s because he is paying Facebook millions of dollars, and that would be a very logical assumption, but what is going on here is much bigger than that. Ben Shapiro, The Daily Wire, and the rest of Conservative Inc. exist for one reason and one reason only: to keep you from entertaining forbidden opinions. They are a release valve that herds those who would otherwise be genuinely right-wing (and thus a threat to the Regime) into bland, 'acceptable' conservatism that threatens nothing._

So here we are, almost three years out from March 2020 when the world started aggressively turning to shit, and I just can't really help but agree. Ben Shapiro stated on MULTIPLE occasions, shit like, "I think everyone should mask up. I think [Derek Chauvin could on good grounds] be arrested. I think [adults] should take the [v c n e]." And as far as the 'vid stuff is concerned, Ben Shapiro ONLY changed his mind around certain things around the time that the Biden administration announced the OSHA ETS "mandate, " the one the Supreme Court sided against.

And then there's the issue of the Ukraine war. Watching his YouTube episodes (I'll reiterate, I don't and have never paid for the "premium" access) I legitimately don't really know what his actual stance on US involvement in Ukraine/Russia is. Which, considering much of the actual conservative movement is against it, is kind of absurd. This on top of his whole "I'm Jewish and I love Israel and Israel is really good" schtick. Whenever an Israeli story comes up in the news, he's all over it and will spend like half the episode on Israel, which is generally speaking a waste of time considering what happens in Israel is pretty damned irrelevant right about now.

And of course, the cherry on top of this all is that the DW will come up with some sort of statement to try to "console" people, and get their followers to forget about this whole Crowder incident, and a bunch of them will just roll over and keep their paid subscription!

The DW, The Blaze, and TP are keeping the movement weak. And that's just one in a slew of reasons why people are _leaving._


i don't watch anything Daily Wire except for Jordan Peterson, and i don't pay for their subscription. It's unfortunate that JP has to be mixed in with his bosses' failings


Poor Timm-ah's server is going to fucking CRASH with the traffic he's going to get on Monday. Bets on a swat?


If I may be a little conspiracy theoretical on this, I'd like you to indulge me for a moment:

Any contract they come up with wouldn't be enough for Steven Crowder, and this is not me knocking him: Steven's channel, at the time I'm typing this, is more than twice the size of Daily Wire's in terms of subscribers, while Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Candace Owens, etc. combined barely match him in terms of YouTube subscribers. The DW fans on Steven's channel outnumber the Crowder fans on their channel, and that's adding to his Mug Club subscription count being close to 400, 000. Because of that he brings in substantially more views, and has a larger pool of resources, than DW does, despite them trying to build up their platform. That's why any contract they come up with, however "freeing" or "non-interfering" it would be, no matter how much cash they throw at him, would ultimately be restrictive for Steven because of what he has accomplished, and what he currently has. It would be like Extra Credits offering a deal to PewDiePie.

Steven doesn't need the Daily Wire, as he said he could stop his YouTube career and focus on more personal things, and it wouldn't affect him much because of the Mug Club subscriptions. The Daily Wire, on the other hand, could undoubtedly use more subscribers, and thus more cash, that would bleed over to them from Crowder. Resources that they would need to continue to build up their platform. Remember, these guys are making movies, documentaries, and even children's programming, which is a serious red flag for me! When you have ambitions that big, you don't want to work with Big Tech, Daily Wire wants to be Big Tech! I mean, they already got big hitters like Dennis Prager and especially Jordan Peterson in their pockets, they just decided to try and land the great white conservative whale! And I would bet my kidneys that they know that, and so does Steven! That's why he didn't tell Jeremy how many subscribers he has, he didn't want to tip his hand to them!

My faith in Daily Wire is severely shaken from this, and their attacking Steven is not helping matters. From now, I'll be keeping a leery eye out on them. I hope things get better, but I doubt it.


I never heard of Crowder until now.
That says it all.


I think part of this problem is Conservatives are simply just not innovative enough. It's a personality type thing. Liberals tend to create new models, and then the less creative but more orderly and proficient Conservatives tend to come in later and show them how to do the same thing better. They're just different kinds of people. What scares me is that if you indoctrinate all the creatives, what you gain is control of the evolution of society.


I feel betrayed by the Daily Wire. I unsubscribed from their YouTube channel, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Matt Walsh, Andrew Klaven, Michael Knowles, and Brett Copper. I remove the Daily Wire app from my phone, my Roku TV, removed them from my Spotify, my IHeartRadio, my Pandora, my iTunes, and unsubscribed to their email newsletters. I'm done with the Daily Wire. Thank you Steven Crowder and thank you Karlyn Borysenko for standing up for what is right.


Imagine what a Crowder show might look like under DW management. He might end up holding back some of his content and directing people to Mugclub to see the content that YouTube wouldn't allow.


So in order to not participate with big tech DW has to pay creators for shows that don’t produce revenue?


Hmmm CROWDER registered his "stopbigcon" website back in December. That means this was all PLANNED months ago.
