The biggest mistake new artists make🫠 #art #painting #paint #artist #colors #funny #painting

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This is why it’s good to have a set of cheap art supplies in addition to your higher quality supplies. Use cheaper materials first then when you have something you like redo it bigger with more expensive materials.


My art mantra is “if I never make anything bad I’ll never make anything at all”


Funny but true, the majority of popular pieces of art are known to not be the favorite works of these artists


“So go make some ugly art” finally some art that I can actually make


Well said! I'm struggling now trying to make my art "perfect" and when it's not, I feel like it's trash, so I really needed to hear this from you!


100 % agreed. And dont stop trying! Dont give up when ur art looks ugly. Take a break, an hour, day, week, month heck even an year but come back! Being in the right headspace for a particular puece helps soooo much. I usually do charcoal and i started paint but then i went "im awful at this!" and left my art. Came back to it and it might just be my favourite piece ever.


Exactly...especially because most of the time the only person who notices is you. Embrace the mistakes and celebrate the flaws


„including yourself, honestly“ that was such an important bit. I‘m glad I didn‘t miss it


I subconsciously tried to like this multiple times, that's how much I like this.


The best advice I ever got was from my art teacher who straight up erased part of my drawing as she could tell I was just trying to ”fix it” over and over again, knowing it was unfixable. She told me ”Never be afraid to use your eraser. You have one for a reason.” Since then my art has improved drastically. If you can tell something is wrong with your drawing, erase it. Being able to tell it’s wrong shows that you KNOW how to draw it better. So do it.


I like to draw skulls and I was drawing a feline skull a little more than a year ago(the last time I had motivation to draw that actually lasted long enough to make something) I used a smallish eraser and when I was done it was the size of a a pencil eraser but the skull came out so good and I still considered it my best and most realistic drawing to this day. I had to erase half of the almost finished product because I thought it was too lopsided but I pulled through the lose and fixed it and got it just how I wanted. It took 2 months to finish because of school and I had just gotten my pc and I did a play through of red dead redemption 2 in almost one sitting (not sure if I should be proud of that or not lol) but I did that drawing when I was 13 and I’m 15 now 16 in a few months but I can’t wait to get some motivation back because school has drained mentally and physically im so behind on work and my grades suck. I’m a major procrastinator and I know it (which is good because I know that I need to fix it and do better) but currently sitting in my bed typing this and watching your videos instead of doing my biology project that was due today. 😅


i think that is the bane of black books. everyone tries to make them like they see on youtube when in reality they are full of all kinds of sketches, wrong directions, experiments and random notes. Thats the biggest benefit of Inktober. being forced to use only a pen forces you to live with mistakes and work around them or with them


Interesting palette layout. I keep my cools and warms separate, yet I see you group them differently. Nice.


Lol, watching this short with no sound and only reading the captions makes it seem like this particular color matching is the mistake most beginner artists make, and color matching it is so profound. 😆


This is the truth. My first 6 paintings looked like a total waste of money my 7th & 8th were looking like i might have some talent. So i tried massive canvas next and that improved me so much bc it took 20+ hours to complete. Just completed my 12th painting and i had a coworker say i bought it from an artist! That was a huge compliment even if they thought it was an insult.


In some towns I have travelled through in Australia, they have what's called Crap Art clubs. Basically, people come together and paint, chat, socialise. A lot of the work is so bad, it's good. 😂❤


I made a minecraft build a few days ago that I'm not at all proud of but I learned


Pls pls pls pls color match any random plushie u can find!


Watching the mixing with a brush was insane to me IDK why


Make errors, explore, play and try out weird stuff. A good way to find your own style. The biggest tip I usually give is: have fun in the progress of painting rather than for the end results, that way it is easier to get motivated and have fun the whole time rather than hurry to see the result
