English Movie Vocabulary

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Learn English vocabulary to talk about movies! We use these words to talk about movies all the time! Gory and Creepy! A gory movie is a movie that has lots of blood and violence in it. A creepy movie is a movie that is very scary and suspenseful. What's your favourite movie? Movies are a common topic in English conversation. If you can learn how to talk about movies, your English conversation skills will improve a lot! Your listening skills will improve too because you'll understand what the vocabulary means. In this lesson, I give you some good examples and explanations of these terms.

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I think it depends on the personality of children. Gory movie include encourage and braveness besides violence and blood. If children watch a gory movie and think about it in a good way, I think it’s ok. Creep movie is one I’m afraid to watch, I don’t have any point of view for that.


Concise, clear, another great lesson!


No, I don't think they should be allowed to watch those kinds of movies. It's simply because creepy and gory movies have a very negative impact on kids' nervous system. However, children are too young to realize that, hence it's their parents' duty to prevent the children to be harmed in any way. When children grow up, they will be able to decide it for themselves. As for scary movies, I assume, it depends on how old a child is.


I do not have kids but I wouldn, t let them watch those kinds of movies. By the way, creepy is a synomym for spooky? Thanks for the video!


It's depending on children age. Maybe we shouldn't allow them, but children are so stubborn, curious, they want to know everything. For me when I was a child I felt scare whenever I watched both kind of movies and I rarely watch gory movies but still want to watch creepy movies again and again, I felt scare, have goosebumps, sometime hugged my brother, sometime hugged pillows, sometime covered my head with blankets, sometime closed my eyes, sometime scremed, sometime just run away when it's so creepy. My brother said to me * if you're so scare why don't you stop watch it ? And now it's a result when I stayed alone, it's dark, quiet, I started to have some imagination, wow it's so creepy!!! How childish I am, feel scare..., but still want to watch creepy movies again and again.


Wrong turn is really gory movie.
I didn't had creepy situation ever.
I think we should not allow children to see these kind of movies. Because they are too small to make difference between reality and acting. They may consider it reality and it can have impact on their mind. They may get afraid of little things in their daily life. So we should avoid these kind of things in presence of children.


In my opinion, kids should not be allowed to watch gory or creepy movies for a number of reasons. First off, because kids are innocent and trusting, they might become easily influenced by such movies. In fact, they might learn, from such movies, to become violent or creepy as well. Another reason why kids should not be allowed to watch violent or scary movies is that it could make them to experience terrible nightmares. As a result, this might negatively affect their sleep patterns which ultimately could affect their mental development as they grow.


I believe to allow that tse kids watching this kind of movies don't be a good idea, but it can influence theys personalities!


'Saw7' is a gory movie.
I think children should not watch a gory movie, it might affect on their brains.


When I studied at school during the summer vacations I watched creepy movies but after graduation university I stopped watching that kind movies. Now I have two kids and I dont wanna they watched such kind of movies neither gory nor the creepy


Everytime i watch horror/suspense movie it's creeping me out.
When i was child i think everything to me is acceptable and true.

So what i mean is Children always believe that everything is true, so if they watch graphical contained images it will be a serious problem.


i think evil dead is the most gory movie ever made. lot of blood u watch in this movie not scary though. similarly halloween is the scary and creepy movie and most probably gore movie also.
children in this era are quite smart and wise now and understand the movie is just a source of entertainment but it desnt mean they be allowed to watch extreme level of gore and scary movies bcoz sometimes it leaves a negative effect on their minds. in most of the cases, they try to do the same what they have watched which might be detrimental. so parent discretion is advised.


All of Tarantino's movies are gory.


If l have children, never l don't allow to watch. Gory movies have a lot of blood . Creepy movie makes goosebumps. Adults sometimes can't watch these movies.


I have ever seen gory movie is spartacus.


Homework: My answer would be yes, but this should really be up to their parents. Gory movies are good in moderation, but too much of these might make some kids desensitized to violence.

Creepy movies give a lot of kids nightmares, but then again, moderation is key here.


The Passion of the Christ is really gory movie.
Kids have different tolerances for scary, they are more afraid. Don’t watch the creepy movie with your child please!


No they shouldn't watching this kind movies, that's not good to their mind.Both are gory or creepy movies will creeping them out or maybe got nightmares.
I don't think so but "Trojan" including gory movie.


No, kids shouldn't be allowed to. They will have nightmares and will not be able to sleep at night. Also, such scenes are beyond the understanding of their innocent minds, and these gory creepy shots may cause them a psychological trauma.


It depends on the children ages. For me, it is okay for the kids to watch gory and creepy as long as their parents or guardians are watching besides them to guide and teach them about what is real and not. It also develop their awareness in real situation that might save their lives. But never leave them watching films that need parental guidance all by themselves.
Honestly I'm not into gory or creepy film. But sometimes I have to try to see how far I can take such movies. Unless I'm watching with someone with whom I can screamed with and later on, laughed with.

Inglourious Basterds is one of goriest film I have seen and Paranormal Activity is creepiest movie for me. So scary that I actually woke up late at night, remembered some scenes and find myself covering under sheet. LoL .What about you, what gory and creepy films have you seen?
