How To Achieve Self Mastery - Friedrich Nietzsche (Existentialism)

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Friedrich Nietzsche - How To Achieve Self Mastery (Existentialism)

In this video we bring you how to achieve self mastery from the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Friedrich Nietzsche believed that the fundamental drive of all living things is the so-called Will to Power, which is often seen as the impulse to overcome one’s environment, the impulse to grow, expand, and explore, but the greatest power one can possess, in Nietzsche’s view, is not the power over other people or environment, but the power over your own self. Mastering yourself is the foundation of all the other skills and powers you have and it is the one you have to focus on first in order to achieve greatness.

To help you understand the ways in which you can achieve self-mastery, here are 7 lessons we can learn from the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche:
01. Obey yourself first
02. Strengthen your will
03. Master your temper
04. Master your decision-making process
05. Master your body
06. Master your heart
07. Find happiness in self-mastery
I hope you enjoyed watching these 7 ways you can achieve self-mastery from the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and find them helpful in your life.

Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher, poet, essayist, and cultural critic. He is considered to be one of the most daring and greatest thinkers of all time. His writings on truth, morality, language, aesthetics, cultural theory, history, nihilism, power, consciousness, and the meaning of existence have exerted an enormous influence on Western philosophy and intellectual history. He was one of the biggest precursors of existentialism, which emphasises the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent, determining their own development through acts of will. By his famous words “God is dead!”, Nietzsche moved the focus of philosophy from metaphysics to the material world and to the individual as a responsible person for his own life. Friedrich Nietzsche wrote several books like The Birth of a Tragedy, Human, All Too Human, The Dawn, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, Twilight of the Idols, The Will to Power, The Antichrist, and many more. His teachings have shaped the lives of many people; from psychologists to poets, dancers to social revolutionaries.

Research/Writing: Bianca-Adina Szasz

Narration/Audio Editing: Dan Mellins-Cohen

Music: Enchanting Inspirational Music - Royalty Free - This Moment

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Friedrich Nietzsche says: “He that cannot obey himself, shall be commanded".

Hope you all like this video.. Please make sure to check out the full Philosophies for Life channel and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thank you so much for watching.


Great words of wisdom towards self-mastery
1. Obey yourself first
2. Strengthen your will
3. Master your temper
4. Master your decision making process - Yes Vs No
5. Master your body - physical vs spiritual
6. Master your heart
7. Find happiness in self-mastery - camel->lion->child #rebirth
Thanks Philosophies for Life for continuing to enrich my learning. Henry L


It’s interesting how many self help videos have a strong entrepreneurial bent. It makes sense that entrepreneurs are disseminators of such information but for the non-entrepreneurial worker you have to reimagine and recontextualize the advice and examples given to make it actionable. Not a critique of the material herein but rather an observation of how it can be used.


“What do you call love, hate, charity, revenge, humanity, magnanimity, forgiveness? Different results of the one master impulse: the necessity of securing one's self-approval”
'Mark Twain' - Samuel Clemens


It takes one whole life, it takes consistency.


I have an attitude of gratitude and a mindset of joy and abundance in all its forms. Thank you for sharing this video with us.


I remember awakening; when I questioning why there is even existence; I realized I was part of the entire universe.
 I was the same energy, the same essence & made of the substance from the beginning of time.
We are all one with everything and will transform back into everything. People, trees, squirrels; We are all but stardust; part of the eternal beauty & oneness of the universe.
It is all so magnificent; that I am humbled and honored to be a part of it all.


We all need a break from Drug sex rock and roll/rap. I watched these videos once a week or just having it play in the background as I work/trade or on a walk through the urban homeless abundance cities. Keeps me grounded. Just as a reminder to stay authentic and take accountability is still practical nowadays. Also for introducing me to people I wouldn’t have ever encountered on my own and in my environment. Keep it coming. I appreciate it the effort and positive ripples. Thank you 💯 8/17/2021 #relevant #MoralCompass


I used to read lots of self help books. I noticed toward the end the authors seem to do a lot of self promotion. so I stopped feeling the need to feel needy. Besides they were getting to be time consuming. With this channel, and many like it, I get the infromation I want in short, sharp and to the point, with miniscule promotion. The titles grabs my attention. He is a great modern thinker.


That was such a valuable video of truth and wisdom. I'll be taking notes while I listen to it again. Thank you.


"Love the life you Live.
Live the life you Love."
- Bob Marley.


Just as the “Master your temper” chapter was starting, the pizza I was eating fell out of my hand and onto my phone screen. Fortunately, the video was still playing so no harm done. Temper mastered.


People desire meaning more than they desire power, although the will to power can become ones meaning


I love the philosophy biographies and specially your videos because there are very visual, colorful, shorts and excellent explanations. I'm using it to practice English and it is perfect too. Thank you so much.


I really like Nietzsche’s philosophy. We don’t have a free will but we can control our attitude and our reactions to things which are out of our control.


Amazing! One of Friedrich's greatest quote was mimicked by Viktor Frankl, "What is to give light, must endure burning". I talked about it in my latest episode, such a beautiful irony of the flames of the victims of the Holocaust shine a light into history on the terrors of tyranny.


These films are just ons year old. Very grateful to have them.


Obey yourself first.
Do as you think in life
Have real goals
Strengthen your will




I learned alot from neitzsche he improved my life significantly