Albert Einstein Does God Exist

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The problem with this whole thing is that it assumes that evil is an absence of good. Why is good not an absence of evil? Both of the other examples of negatives, cold and darkness, are the absence of something we can measure. Less vibration is less heat, which we call cold. Less photons is less light, which we call darkness. There is no measure for 'good' or 'evil', and therefore one might reasonably conclude that either could be the absence of the other. For instance 'truth' seems most reasonably to be a lack of lies. Lies are a measure, but truth exists only as the absence or removal of lies. It's easy to see good as that absence as well.
Of course, the easier method is to acknowledge that 'good' and 'evil' are labels we place on things based on cultural and personal biases, and neither have any objective existence.
