Why Black kids hate their Parents | Signs of a Toxic Parent

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Hey guys!
This is why *alot* of black kids hate their parents.

I've been meaning to make this video for yearssss but I kept putting it off for multiple reasons but it's a video that needs to be made. Ofc i'm a christian so i'm coming from more of a biblical perspective too. Also, religion tends to be a big aspect of our culture so I think it was important to touch on that too.

Hope this video was helpful to those that needed it!
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section! :)

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"i put you in this world, i can take you out" is the craziest line I have ever heard from parents.


Most black parents don't give love to their kids, don't help them grow and speak bad words or curse them.
They just show off in front of people, don't want to accept failure in their marriage etc...
I am black I know what I am talking about


When they say "respect" they always just seem to mean "unquestioning obedience"


I made the decision in 8th grade to completely drop them when I move out. I’m 21 still at home and not one day has gone by that I swept the decision away. I’m not African or Caribbean but I feel the exact same! They have zero accountability, can’t handle criticism, massive hypocrites, delusional, gas lighters, communicating is uncomfortable, etc. My entire childhood was nothing but loneliness, tears, and emotional neglect. I truly HATE them. When they go on vacation it’s like a walk in nature…PURE BLISS. Not to mention my birther is OBSESSED with trying to use my tuition money on bills.


Nigerian-American here. My mom made a convenient habit out of making declarations about me being "westernized" or "acting like a white girl", only after I would point out something hostile or unreasonable or hypocritical that she had done. I hit the point where I was like "If all my culture is ever going to do for me is be used against me as a weapon, then you can keep it, at least your interpretation of it."


I’ve been scapegoated both by my relatives and community for not ‘acting black enough’. People feel entitled to respect for doing the bare minimum, but I’ve learned: to bite back against verbal garbage, work hard to escape unfortunate circumstances, and act unapologetically myself lmfao.

I refuse to bring a kid to this dystopian hell scape


I think every parent needs to see this video but they’ll most likely see it as disrespectful or not even watch it. This video tells the truth.


Too many people that shouldn't have kids are having them 🤦🏾‍♀️😂


Oh wow you’re speaking FACTS! What I’ve learned for sure is that type of behavior is passed down and we have to be the generation to stop it. There’s positive ways of showing discipline and teaching respect


I’m black American… I truly think my mother is mentally ill. It’s not JUST ME as her child that she’s toxic to. It’s literally the whole world. I had to cut her loose at 25 because her in my life will literally destroy me more than what she’s already done in my childhood. I wish her nothing but healing, but I no longer. For me to question my own existence because of my mother’s toxicity… i didn’t ask to be here, she had me.


You make a great point. They ask a question, you answer. Then they take the answer personally instead of weighing the merits of the argument.


Thank you for making this video, seems a lot of people are waking up and refusing to accept narcissistic behaviours, I’m witnessing more and more people calling out parents for the lack of respect towards their kids. A lot of kids are more emotionally mature than the parents x


Everything you said here my parents did, except the money thing. Then they wonder why I don't talk to them. My parents didn't teach me anything besides to respect them, I seriously hate them


I’m Caribbean American and my parents are the same way!! It’s like we’re born owing them something!


Or when you speak how you feel, or make a mistake they compare you to the family out cast. Or someone with Serious issues. What makes it worst is when they caused it or made it worse.


This exist in Black American households as well. Baby boomer parents will never admit when they are wrong. This is fact cause I lived with one who would blatantly do wrong and never admit to it.


I think that a better question, is why do black parents hate their kids? I wish my mom had never had me. She did not want to be a parent, made no preparations for it, and was not quiet about hating the responsibility. Now I'm stuck working my way through a life that I didn't ask for, with no help, and endless negativity from her.


It's even worst when u got a mother who is desperate for men, victim blames, a pick me and stands up for Rkelly


When you got to (4) - calling the truth disrespect... I died. ;)

The amount of times I've been accused for talking to one of my parents as if they're a child or that I've got a "bad attitude"... (but in other circumstances they swear/cuss at me)... WILD.

Thank you.

And yes - Black/Jamaican guy here.


This video is spot on I almost cried. I’m 22 and I just left my toxic mom and dad and completely blocked them out of my life. Best decision I’ve ever made the things my parents have done to me are unspeakable. There’s only so much the kids can take before we decide to leave took me a long time to get out of it but I made it💜🩷💜 Thank you this video.
