The Difference Between PTSD vs. C-PTSD

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An explanation of the differences between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

*Not for diagnostic purposes, but for the purpose of general mental health education.
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I have cptsd amd one of the symptoms that most people dont talk about is olfactory hallucinations


انا عندي اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة المعقد من سنييين و عارفة نفسي بس اهم شيء الواحد يعيش حياته و يمارس الرياضه و النشاطات اللي يحبها و يصير اجتماعي ❤ هذي نصيحتي


Thanks for this, got my diagnosis for almost two years now, I love to see content like this


Thank you ❤ This helps me educate others as someone with C-PTSD. 🙏❤️


Thank you. That visual really helped explain it.


Thank you, I didn't understand the difference of my diag, but now I have more questions lol... If you don't mind answering a hypothetical.... Hypothetically speaking, what could someone with this do to understand the symptoms better and thus understand how to manage them


I think I have c-PTSD. ( I'm using my brother's account) I have ADHD, a bit of OCD, constantly gaslighting myself by saying others have it worse, i have eldest daughter syndrome, i have anxiety and i get panic attacks, not often, but I do get them. I can't focus, I am very close to depression. I am using optimism to keep myself together from falling apart ( kind of working ) PTSD attacks happen often when I'm alone in a room with a guy. Flashbacks almost every month. I have trouble remembering stuff and I'm constantly on edge. I am very insecure and I flinch at everything, even the slightest touch makes me flinch. When I'm upset, it feels like someone's grabbing my throat, making it difficult for me to cry. Im afraid of being judged and I'm afraid of letting my family down. Only two of my friends know about the reason for my PTSD. But I wanna know if what im going through is considered c-PTSD?


I was diagnosed with PTSd but I think its a misdiagnosis. Inhave cptsd.


Alot of what Ive learned throu my entire life doesnt work the way it used to work in sum situations. It makes me lose my confident and so fustrating about the things that happened but i dont know how to solve it, those people are acting weird and thinking stupidly, in their mind its normal, “am I the one who crazy?” NO!, I cant stand that cus I need to work with them everyday, I need to understand the situation, but if we cant understand each other so how things could work out well?, I thot maybe quitting and find some where else where i could understand people ( I cant ) so that not make me think Im crazy cus if this keep happenning in my life soon I will kill myself cus of negative thot
