Dr. David Linden: Life, Death & the Neuroscience of Your Unique Experience

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In this episode, my guest is Dr. David Linden, Ph.D., professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the author of many popular books about the brain. We discuss individual differences between people — focusing on differences in how people sense the world around them and the roles that chance, heredity, and life experiences (even in utero) play in determining our physical and cognitive traits. We discuss the bidirectional connection between the mind and body and how our thoughts and mental practices (e.g., meditation and breathwork) impact our health. We also discuss the link between inflammation and depression. We also discuss Dr. Linden’s terminal illness diagnosis, his mindset during chemotherapy and what his diagnosis has taught him about the mind, gratitude, time perception and life. This episode also covers sensual touch, cerebellar function, and epigenetic inheritance and ought to be of interest to all interested in neuroscience, genetics, psychology and human development.

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00:00:00 David Linden
00:03:59 Sponsors: ROKA & Levels; Huberman Lab Survey
00:07:54 Sensory Touch & Genitals, Krause Corpuscles
00:16:46 Sexual Experiences & Sensation
00:19:14 Human Individuality & Variation; Senses & Odor Detection
00:30:25 Sponsor: AG1
00:31:22 Visual Individuality; Heat Tolerance; Early Life Experiences & Variation
00:40:28 Auditory Variability, Perfect Pitch
00:42:08 Heritability & Human Individuality: Cognitive & Physical Traits
00:49:36 Heritability, Environment, Personality; Twin Studies
01:00:12 Sponsor: InsideTracker
01:01:19 Development, Chance; Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance
01:07:37 Single Generation Epigenetic Inheritance & Stress; Autism
01:15:52 Sleep Paralysis; Cerebellum, Prediction
01:23:47 Nature vs. Nature, Experience; Linden Hypothesis
01:30:37 Mind-Body Interaction; Chemical Signals
01:39:10 Inflammation & Depression
01:43:35 Neuroplasticity, Inflammation & Mental Disorders; Microglial Cells, Exercise
01:52:15 Fads & Science
01:55:16 Mind-Body Communication; Cancer
02:03:28 Mind-Body, Mediation, Breathwork
02:07:30 Atrial Fibrillation, Synovial Sarcoma, Heart
02:14:22 Gratitude & Anger; Chemotherapy, Curiosity & Time Perception
02:19:58 Death, Brain & Future Prediction, Religion & Afterlife
02:24:15 Life Advice; Time Perception & Gratitude
02:34:35 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

Рекомендации по теме

I dropped out of highschool when I was 15. I'm now 25 and not only went back and got my diploma this year, but received my letter of admission to university within the same month because of the prep work I did before hand, Including foundational neuroscience. all of this stems from the knowledge, wisdom, and motivation gifted to me by your podcast Professor. Thank you.


My biological mother admitted to me when I was fifty years old that the reason she always said I make her feel guilty was because she had done everything possible to herself to prevent a live birth.
I was born and misdiagnosed with cerebral palsy.
My life has been a succession of struggle with health issues. Both physically and emotionally.
I am. 66.
Recovering from open heart surgery. For a 100% blockage and calcification of LAD.
Collateral vessels saved my life.
Thank you for the work you do… I am so grateful to be learning so much.


We can't explain how gracious we are for your work!


What an amazing person to be open and vulnerable with complete strangers, the last 20 minutes was truly life changing. Thank you!


I think I'd listen to Dr. David for 10 hours without getting tired. Something about his way of putting information out so smoothly makes me want to pay attention to everything he talks about.


Professor, your grief episode and now having someone not only that is a scientist but a human going through terminal illness and speaking about it, has brought me tears and in a way infinite love of this life as a very close member in my life reached a limited given time after so many years of fighting... No one on my life seems to be supportive or active on having these conversations. All your episodes to me are in a sense my community... Thank you.


Professor Huberman, I have moved to a different country to study Psychology at university, and you were the catalyst. Thank you Andrew, you have helped me find my purpose.


I love every episode but the ending of this one, just brought me to tears. I watched my dad suffer from an aggressive cancer for two years and, his last week in the hospital was a remarkable experience to watch. Throughout the experience, we all knew he was worried about leaving us but it was his faith in God that got him through the pain and treatment. We're so blessed to believe in an afterlife because my dad was an amazing man and left a legacy. We lost him in July and although i believe he's in a better place, and i pray to join him one day, the separation has left me stuck and unmotivated. This podcast and your immense dedication to putting out this critical information, has been such an inspiration for me to do more so i can leave an impact, not as great as you probably @Dr. Huberman but you give me hope to try.


Dr. Linden has one of the most gentle cadences I've ever heard. The way he explained things made it that much more digestible and easily understood. Great episode per usual.


I didn’t think the Huberman lab would be added to the list of podcasts that have made me cry. Thank you David ❤


Such an informative and insightful discussion. As a cancer survivor, he hit the nail on the head when he said that the worst part of dying is leaving your loved ones behind. Nothing else matters.


This is by far my favourite episode! The vulnerability, the learning, the humanity! All of it! I have spent the past year and a half recovering from bacterial meningitis and two back surgeries. It have been a very challenging time but listening to your podcast has become part of my weekly routine. When I first woke up from my coma, all I could think of was the little things that I missed. I agree with Dr. Linden, that it is the big things>. Life is too short and we must always appreciate all we have! Thank you!


I was listening to the podcast on journaling about your past trauma in your life . I had cancer 10 years ago n a double mastectomy, it was a long 3 years . I didn't think of it as one of my traumas, I felt fortunate for all the life that I had lived up to that point!!! I Will be celebrating my 65th birthday soon n have traveled to 14 countries since!! I get up every morning and reset my circadian rhythm with the sun 🌞🌞🌞❤


A baby armadillo is called a "pup" whilst a group of armadillos is commonly referred to as a "roll" or a "covey." These terms are often used informally to describe a gathering of armadillos in their natural habitat.


How ironic that a brilliant man like Dr. Linden with a heart of gold is being taken out of our realm by heart illness. God bless you Dr. Linden and bless you Dr. Huberman for bringing this treasure to us all.


Best podcast on the internet. What a gift to society. ❤


I went to bed late watching this podcast and my neurons woke me up early this morning to come back to this amazing episode.
Dr Daivd Linden is a great person to both science and humanity, I found so charming when he said his wife is the best..then later in the video he mentioned the profound love involved ( which was beautiful to hear).
Regarding his diagnosis the way he thinks generate energy to a successful treatment. Also being able to feel gratitude helps the heart to cope with the challenges. Dr. David's knowledge and experience will brighten present and future medical treatments. 
I can't wait to get his book! Unique!
Tks Dr. Andrew Huberman for having Dr David Linden, amazing episode!


Best conversation ever! Dr. Linden is much more than a total rockstar. May he live a long life so he can share his wisdom with humanity! Well done Dr. Huberman.


I am preparing for a marathon and every time I go for a 2/3hr run I plug into my ears one of your podcasts while being out in nature. It makes me feel like I am not only training physically but mentally as well through learning and hearing you discuss about topics that I have never thought I would learn. Keep doing what your doing! Much love! 🙏🏼


What an amazing, articulate, accomplished, brave man. I wish him well.
