Protestantism ACCEPTS Mortal Sin

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Protestantism as a whole accepted a Mortal Sin, which is pretty sad if you think about it. It's a good example to show why you need a Church to protect your soul.

#sin #catholic #sad
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An alternative Perspective:

Protestantism "accepts" NO sin, while some minimize sin with the label of "venial".


That's not the context of that verse. May the Lord forgive you and all that share your point of view.


“Mortal sin” what you miss from God’s word is two things: A. The wages of sin is death PERIOD. And B. whoever keeps the whole law but stumbles at one part is guilty of breaking the whole law. Stop categorizing sin. God hates all of it. Jesus took it to the cross ✝️


So do you keep he entire Old Testament Law? Are you circumcized? Do you keep Sabbath on Saturdays? Do you attend all feast and sacrifice animals for your sins? If not, how do you decide which parts of the Old Testament Law apply and which don't?


A hostile and antagonistic presentation that will undoubtedly lead to this site being ignored by many.


Onan's sin was to be stingy with his material wealth instead of honoring his familial commitment to his brother's widow. He would leave her childless rather than share his wealth with her brother's wife. It never had anything to do with contraception. It was his heartless attitude towards his brother's widow to leave her with no children of her own to love her and serve her in her old age. That's why having kids mattered. That's why it mattered to God.

I don't know how you can read this and come to such an awkward conclusion. Onan's sin was against God and against his brother's household, to withhold was was rightfully hers. He would have just left her with nothing, so God reduced him to nothing.


Catholics accept mortal sin all the time. They can literally do anything they like to anyone and simply ask for forgiveness at the end lol.😅
