How to Sing With Power, Part 1

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Want to learn to sing with total confidence and freedom?
To sing on pitch without your voice cracking?
To sing higher notes without having to strain?
Or to gain another octave in your vocal range?

Try my best-selling, online 8-week singing course, Superior Singing Method and start learning to how sing better and unlock your vocal potential today!

Join over 75,000+ singers worldwide that have taken their singing voice to new heights with my step-by-step singing course! Get daily vocal exercises and videos designed to fast track your singing potential.

With my best-selling online 8 week singing course, Superior Singing Method, you can accomplish all of this and more!


In this video we're going to look at how to sing with more power (part 1). Now when it comes to power you really have to talk about resonance but most people think that it comes from pushing or belting which isn't the case. It's not about the volume but about using resonance correctly to get that full, rich tone. At the end of this video, I'll give you one of my favorite exercises for how to begin to improving your vocals and how to sing more powerfully.

If you haven't yet, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the channel so you can check out any new videos and content that comes out. Also, go ahead and hit the NOTIFICATION BELL so you’re notified as soon as any new videos get posted on the channel.

I'm so excited you're here! Think of this channel as your perfect place to begin improving your singing voice no matter where you are in your vocal journey. I'm here to help you reach all your singing goals and dreams!

Looking forward to helping you reach your goals as an aspiring singer!

Remember, never stop singing! It brings joy to the world. :)

-Aaron Anastasi

✅ Over 31 Amazing Dynamic Vocal Exercises
✅ 8 Week Step-by-Step HD Online Video Lessons
✅ Online Video & Audio Training - Sing Anytime! Anywhere! 24/7!
✅ Improve a Full Octave in your Vocal Range
✅ Daily Vocal Routines - plus my best warm ups & warm downs
✅ 60-Day Money back guarantee - no questions asked
✅ Me as your personal vocal coach guiding you every step of the way!

You Too Can Learn How to Sing – Improve Your Singing Voice, Sing With Better Control, And Gain Up To A Full Octave In Your Vocal Range…no matter what level you’re at!

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Рекомендации по теме

I have actually been using these tricks for a while now AND MY VOICE IS SO DIFFERENT NOW

I don’t sound like a dying cow on drugs anymore!!!

That being said, I still sound bad from time to time, but I’ll get there


I just wanted to send big applause to the first person who commented. That was impressive.


This channel has made a HUGE diffrent to my voice. I used have a old cracking voice as a 9 yl.But now i can sing powerful and amazingly. My voice has the perfect pitch and hit high notes easily. Im so happy😁😁


I have ocd so the comments were at 99 and now I made it to 100


Me: uses superior singing method
Me: thinking i am the next justin beiber


I hope you dont charge by the hour. That could have been done in 35 seconds. . Actual teaching starts at 4:00 for those who are curious


I think you some much I spend years singing and adding this two it really improved my voice over and help me keep away tension that would appear when I’m singing powerful notes. With anxiety it is hard to become comfortable with many things you do. Hard work and confident is key and make sure you enjoy what your doing💪🏽💯


My dad had a great singing voice so I have singing ability in at least half of my genetics.


Could you do like an update of exercises to increase vocal range?


Smile, be engaging, change the tone of your voice when expressing your views and self. Great content! You are helping me improve my singing and you never know, I may help you with your presenting


Thank You for the videos I been Quarantine singing


I wish I can buy his singing tools thing


why to speak so much ... when you have to speak about what singing is ? and what is singing load? first sort out what is different types of singing.


You. Changed. My. Voice your the best. Teacher for me


Hi..i wanted to say...that i adore you ....your my singing idol ...And i would love to buy the program from the page but the problem Is ...i don't have the money cause i payed presents for my family cause i love them... The good thing Is that i got the add to card thing after watching the video ....but the bad thing Is ... I can't buy IT...And when IT Will cost like 150-170 $ i would never get enough money on it 😭😭😭 So i Guess i can only Dream about being a great singer 💔💔💔💔


remember to be realistic - you must put in some work whichever plan you decide on for becoming a singer I've been studying teaching yourself singing and discovered a fantastic resource at Bens singer blog (check it out on google)


I want to sing bad liar(imagine dragon)😁


Im on my 3rd day with the wowowow excercise and its working but i still ha e along way to go but very good for 1min a day


listen to christina grimmie she got power in her voice


Great stuff. Very helpful. You look like Joey Votto
