Same-sex Marriage - Russell M. Nelson #samesexmarriage #generalconference

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Same-sex Marriage - Russell M. Nelson

#samesexmarriage #generalconference#thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints
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This message is so simple and concise..
May God open everyone's spiritual eyes of understanding.🙏


You are trying to live your life based upon those who did not know gravity, yet you believe in it.


His tone was respectful, his warning was out of love and his resource is from God. It is a very different tone than your message. Your message is that of emotion and you have no moral authority to recite. You throw stones, this man heeds warnings. Just because someone points out a sin doesn't mean they hate the sinner. We are all sinners and fall short of the glory and blessing of God. He understands God's greatest gift to us...Jesus. Whomever believes in him shall never die, but have eternal life. If this man truly hated sinners, he would never tell a soul about Jesus.


Even interracial marriage stay no longer, same sex marriage is so far


Yes, but who's going to tell him that God ordained marriage between ONE man and ONE woman, not ONE man and MANY women😂


The arrogance to think that from the 10.000+ religions that exist ... many of which are much older than the bible .... to think yours is the only correct one.


Love trumps god, marry who you love, dont listen to marters or fanatics, and stop living in fear, fear created faith in false gods because people are afraid of the unknown, of dying... so its easy to trick ourselves in believing something weve never seen or experienced in hopes that our quote end quote 'gods' will have us delivered nicely to the after life... love is all that matters in the end- when you are dying on your death bed, you think you will be happy alone, but with god? Id rather be with my family and friends and the live of my life in those final moments... stop hating on the LGBT community and grow up, not everything you see on social media and television in your perfect little homes with your perfect lives is true. Ever tried to sit down and speak with someone who is LGBT friendly? Probably not because youd rather sit in your comfy chair or bed watching dumb videos like this which soul purpose is to brainwash people into thinking same sex marriage is wrong... well guess what, its going to happen whether you like it or not so get used to it, put aside that archaic mentality and just let people love who they want.


Facts. Idky people get upset either. Why are you, a gay person, going against if not religion, the “natural” way of things, and want to appropriate one of the most sacred ceremonies of a religion that follows a more “natural” tradition. Makes no sense. Elope or just call it “marriage” but God does not condone it, it shouldn’t be allowed in the church.
