'Alone Together': Singlehanded Sailing, LA to Hawaii and Return.

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Cruise of the Ericson 32-3 "Thelonious", Los Angeles to Kaua'i. Twenty days out, 28 days back in a year of hurricanes and a stationary North Pacific high.

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After watching the video I read the comments! It's seems we all agree this was one of the best sailing videos we've seen. But if I had to describe why .... I would say it's the narrative! We all dream of solo sailing somewhere but underneath it all is a longing to find out something about ourselves. Some of us are afraid that we are as boring and uninteresting as we suspect! We produce overly hyper videos pretending to have an amazing time at sea but somehow we (the YouTube community) can see through that! This video was interesting because YOU seem to be an interesting person. Beautiful family and a quirky but kind spirit! I hope that's correct! But I think that's why we all like it so much! Thank you Mr. Williams. I was quietly entertained!


I literally sat on the toilet and watched this whole video. I can't feel my feet, but well worth the story.


One of my best friends, a sailor for more than 10 years, had asked me more than once to join him in one of his trips but every time I've refused him because I didn't trust his skills and besides that, I was afraid of deep waters. Well, I still am. Last year in October, in a moment of temporary insanity, I said yes and I've joined him on a sailing boat in a long Cyclades tour. That's almost a year ago and I still can't forget that unbelievable experience.

First day on boat, my first storm, green complexion. I was able to inspect my internal organs thoroughly, one by one...that day I've vomited my soul out of my body. Second day on the boat, rough sea. Lemon complexion. Got the sea legs, yay!. Third day, good windy day. I was able to complete my task: cooking inclined at 15-30 degrees angles... The crew was eating warm food with tears of joy on its cheeks. Day ten, 8th degree storm not far from Mikonos. Huge waves, crazy rain, winds trained in shaolin monasteries. ME? Everybody thought I must be a tough son of a bitch since I've showed zero emotions the whole episode while in reality I was completely paralysed by utter fear. Not literally...I was moving and doing whatever I had to do like a damn machine but in my head I knew I was already dead. I was so scared that my lips went numb. I began to embrace the though of death by drowning. Don't know how but we've survived and since that moment the rest of the journey, for me, was like a pleasant walk into a park...
Now I'm a student at a local sailing school to get my own licence.


in an era where my attention span has reduced to 2-3 minutes max, i was GLUED for 30 mins enjoying every second of this. thanks a bunch for posting (islander 36, colombia 50, shields 30).


This remarkable man and his little boat has found something in the midst of his time in this world that most couldn't, or wouldn't find in a thousand lifetimes. Mr Williams, and if I may take the liberty to speak on behalf of a bunch of good folk who've commented, we salute you for your grand adventures.


This was 10 year ago. You were 78 years old. Now your 88. Hoprlefully you still kicking. God bless u


Absolutely Inspiring. Great editing and to the point. If only they could put stuff like this on TV these days for our youth and remove all the crap.


This is still, hands-down, my favorite video on YouTube about sailing. It's entertaining, funny, and even educational. Most of all, it tells a great story along the way. I've seen a lot of sailing videos over the years, and I keep coming back to this one. Thanks for making this for everyone to view.


I'm enjoying this journey vicariously in Glenview, IL during the COVID-19 voluntary in-house period. Thanks, Skipper


/Salute Sir. A few interesting tidbits:
1. My oldest Grandson's name is Christian Williams.
2. I am a 70 year old sailor, not to far off from you.
3. My wife and I lived and sailed aboard a 45' Island Packet in the Caribbean for 9 years. Florida to South America was our playground.
4. Circumstances demanded we sell "Crux" and buy a home in Washington State. Long story, familiar to many I'm sure.
5. I think about our sailing years nearly every day with much fondness. I have a small tear in my eye as I write this.
Thank you for sharing your adventure. I wish you many more!
The crew of SV Crux.


This is one of my all time favorite sailing videos, bar-none. I've watched this one probably 5 times and never seem to tire of it. Thank you Christian Williams.


281 people don"t like this? they are insulting LIFE, how can we not like this video.


As someone who often daydreams about sailing (even though I know nothing about it), this video was amazing. I always say that if I win the lottery I'm gonna sail around the world till I drop dead. But since I have a better chance of getting struck by lightning, guess I'll just have to satisfy my wanderlust by living vicariously through videos like these. Great job, hope you do more : )


“After being alone, you discover, we’re really just the total of everyone we know, everyone we loved, everyone we’ve ever met or read.”

Inspirational and awe. This guy is the rare bread. This guy is everything and everyone I wish I could be.


I’ve probably watched this video (along with the 2nd crossing) over 50 times now... it never gets old and I enjoyed it just as much this time as I did after watching it the first time...


I never expected to watch this video in its entirety but simply surfing utube. After 30 minutes, I was back home in my recliner looking forward to another adventure.


This is an amazing video. Good to see men with adventure in their hearts still exist. Godspeed, sailor.


This probably the best video of a long crossing. Enough day to day but with a feel of no days. Just a journey. You are also the Mambo KIng.


Having watched hundreds of sailing videos, I have to admit
that this was one of the best 29 minutes I have ever spent on YouTube. I felt
like I was there... the honesty, the humor had me watching until the end... I
could taste the salt! What a great adventure, thank you for sharing.

Please don't let us wait to long for your next sailing adventure video, your way
of storytelling can convert a lot of us land lubbers to salty's! Our family
bucket list is to go sail around the world… we’ve started the steps… fair winds
from the Carolinas!


You sir have struck a chord in my world. Excellent presentation and straightforward unpolished, direct message to the adventuress and sane sailor. Tears and cheers for a poignant and touching record of a crossing alone with an intimate partner, your vessel. cheers.
