Can the natural man understand the gospel? I Corinthians 2:14 (Why I am Not a Calvinist, Part 4)

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According to I Corinthians 2:14, we cannot understand the gospel unless we have been regenerated, correct? Nope, incorrect.

BTW, my apologies: I accidentally recorded this video in low resolution. Sorry for the bad quality! The teaching, however, is stellar. :)

Here is the verse in question:

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14)

If we consider the context, we will see that Paul is talking about revelation. We cannot know anything about the gospel through our own wisdom, logic, or philosophy. The gospel comes from the heart of God, so the only way to know it is through revelation.

This passage is not about salvation; it's about revelation. Therefore, it is insufficient to be used as a Calvinist proof text.

#whyiamnotacalvinist #Calvinism #ICorinthians214 #Righteous #revelation #Soteriology #gospel #grace #ReformedTheology #Arminianism #regeneration

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I just found your channel and I’m working through your videos on Calvinism. I’ve recently de-Calvinized’ and I appreciate hearing people work through some of the Calvinist proof-texts. Thank you for your ministry 🙏


You explain things so well!! Wish i lived near your church.


This is really good! Definitely enjoyed it! I think the argument is now that the gospel is revealed to the natural man, does he have the capacity to accept the gift of salvation? Or is he too depraved?


The natural man CANNOT understand the gospel, without the spirit of God working within them. Romans 8:7-9


Great stuff Ben! I can't say I ever heard a Calvinist / non-Cavinist argument on this specific text so I'm digging into it myself. I have heard many references to "foolishness" of man of course which would tie in here and how man not only can't choose God but he would not choose to if he had the choice :) (which is the Calvinist take on he regenerates first). I will look more into this. Thank you for the thought provoking biblical take my friend. I'm sure I'll have more later!


Thanks for the video, it does boggle my mind to here someone read 1 Cor. 2:14, then not accept what it says. Then they put on a video about why it doesn't mean what it says, and at the end of the video not see they are the one not accept ing the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to them. I will pray for you that you would seek to believe and understand the things of God no matter where they lead you. Even if that is to a Calvinistic understanding. I would encourage you to not make videos that deny the plain teaching of scripture and to bring a stricker judgement on yourself by misleading someone else.
