Deep Sleep - 2 Hair dryers with 2 different frequencies You will sleep deeply

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Do you want to be happier? More productive? more relaxed? Healthier? Longer lived? if the answer is yes then you want to sleep better and deeper. White noise has always helped you fall asleep and have a better sleep quality. and sleeping better helps you live better. The highest sound quality and years of trial and error lead me to say that this is one of the best sleep videos out there.
Have a good listening.

Willst du glücklicher sein? Produktiver? entspannter? Gesünder? Länger gelebt? Wenn die Antwort ja ist, möchten Sie besser und tiefer schlafen. Weißes Rauschen hat Ihnen immer geholfen, einzuschlafen und eine bessere Schlafqualität zu haben. und besser schlafen hilft dir, besser zu leben. Die höchste Klangqualität und jahrelange Versuche und Irrtümer lassen mich sagen, dass dies eines der besten Schlafvideos auf dem Markt ist.
Hören Sie gut zu.

¿Quieres ser más feliz? ¿Más productivo? ¿mas relajado? ¿Mas saludable? ¿Más longevo? Si la respuesta es sí, entonces querrás dormir mejor y más profundamente. El ruido blanco siempre te ha ayudado a conciliar el sueño y a tener una mejor calidad de sueño. y dormir mejor te ayuda a vivir mejor. La mejor calidad de sonido y años de prueba y error me llevan a decir que este es uno de los mejores videos para dormir que existen.
Que tengas buena escucha.

Ви хочете бути щасливішими? Більш продуктивним? більш розслабленим? Здоровіше? Довше жили? якщо відповідь так, то ви хочете спати краще і глибше. Білий шум завжди допомагав заснути та покращити якість сну. а краще спати допомагає жити краще. Найвища якість звуку та роки спроб і помилок змушують мене сказати, що це одне з найкращих відео для сну.
Гарного слухання.

Рекомендации по теме

Reminds me of the times as a kid when i woke up from the sound of my mother blowdrying her hair and immediatley getting up out of bed through the cold hallway into the bathroom to watch her. She would then always hold the hair dryer in my direction so that i would get a warm breeze. Loved it! Another favourite of mine was chasing the vacuum when my mother was cleaning the house, for the same reason: the warm air it blowed out. Good old times


I love that you are moving them around, not just turning them on. That's what makes it relaxing to me. Takes me back to being little and falling asleep when my sister dried her hair.


Sry for my bad English.

I am listening and watshing this from Vienna . I have beginning to listen Hair drayers as i was 7-8 years old . Now i am 26 and can' not fall asleep without this.
Thank you, because uploiding this video. Its Amazing😍😍


Master of Hairdryer... He is bringing it to a total new level


Only just starting to read the comments on these videos 😮😊.. For years I always thought there was something wrong with me for liking the noise of Hairdryers and Vacuum cleaners..
Feel so much better knowing I’m not the only one ..


He is so serious about his videos. Two thumbs 👍.


I also love that he moves them around and uses different techniques to get the best sound. If you just turn it on, it's not the same. I'm listening now and it's helping because the neighbor's dog has barked non stop all night. I can't even hear it now :)


Dear fellow non-sleepers, I hereby pronounce this man the World's greatest virtuoso on the white noise!


Does anyone else love the feeling of the hairdryer? Heaven


This is a true art form. When it sounds authentic, it feels entirely different, better. You are a master of your craft.


I'm glad this isnt like the channels that just steal audios and put it on a repeating clip of a "hot model", props to you <3 This is also better because it gives the sense of it actually being blown on you due to how its moving


The amount of time and effort that this man puts into this is absolutely incredible. Truly a master of his craft. Thank you helping us all sleep 🙏🏻


The best hair dryer sound video on youtube! Ty


This is THE BEST MUSIC for NEWBORN, Nr 1 in The World :) Congratulationes 👏👏👏


Ich bin froh als Bibi mit solchen gereichen eingeschlafen 💯😊❤️🇩🇪


That's a professional work.
Nice sound and Intresting video.
Hello from Germany. 👋🏽😊


ولله احلى ايام كانت مش حترجع يا ريت ترجع
اخ صوت مريح ايام وذكريات حلوه❤
استمر فيديوهات هيك


Thank you very much now the noise of the hair dryer puts me to sleep very very quickly thank you very much to you Mileacendini


Это же надо, так серьёзно подходить к дело, я в шоке.Ну звук многим напоминает детство, с хорошими моментами.И не важно, какие они.


it's weird a bald guy with hair dryers ..😊 but really a big thank you to you! I spend wonderful nights listening to your videos. Un bonjour de France et un grand merci !
