5 Tips to Write Better Songs TODAY
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Hey, guys! Here's five tips to write better songs. These tips are some of my most common critiques of music I hear or write myself. Ultimately, you have to decide what's best for your song. But, I'd recommend keeping these tips in mind as you write.
Videos to watch next:
I Built a Guitar out of ICE!
I Built a Guitar out of Fruity Pebbles
I Built a Giant Bass Guitar
Equipment I use to make these videos:
A little about myself:
My name's Jon Eleyet and I like making videos about guitars! Sometimes the videos are about a goofy guitar that I made out of Fruity Pebbles, other times it's a tutorial about guitar tone. In either case, my goal is to make your life better by giving you a laugh or unlocking a new skill.
Videos to watch next:
I Built a Guitar out of ICE!
I Built a Guitar out of Fruity Pebbles
I Built a Giant Bass Guitar
Equipment I use to make these videos:
A little about myself:
My name's Jon Eleyet and I like making videos about guitars! Sometimes the videos are about a goofy guitar that I made out of Fruity Pebbles, other times it's a tutorial about guitar tone. In either case, my goal is to make your life better by giving you a laugh or unlocking a new skill.